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Be a part of the weekend away for young people in the Diocese of Oxford.
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Around the diocese
Pray today for...
Estates Ministry
The diocese is committed to supporting all who share Jesus with people on the estates in our parishes where more than 500 of the houses can be described as social housing.
Be part of a growing network of church leaders across the diocese.
Bishop Steven's blog
From building communities of kindness to recharging the transport sector, Bishop Steven speaks in debates in the House of Lords.
Read the full transcripts on Bishop Steven's blog.
Development Fund
The next round of applications for Development Fund grants closes on 31 October - could it help you?
If you've got a local project that is missionally creative, the Fund could support your work.
Safeguarding audit
An independent audit of our safeguarding work found the diocese to have a 'safeguarding first' philosophy.
The report also congratulated our parishes for the sense of optimism it found on the frontline.
The latest news from across the diocese
Keep in touch with the Diocese of Oxford via email.
eNews is a weekly mailing, containing information about training, news, resources and events that we think you will find useful.
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Understanding baptism: Come and See
Come and See 2025 will offer the chance for people across the diocese to explore baptism for the first time or to reflect on their baptismal promises.
Could you lead Come and See 2025? Leaders sign up today.
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