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Hear honest and thought-provoking Advent stories from our local sisters.
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Around the diocese
Pray today for...
Meet the new bishops
The Revd Canon Dave Bull will be the next Bishop of Buckingham, and the Revd Canon Mary Gregory the next Bishop of Reading.
Get to know our bishops-to-be and see what they got up to on announcement day.
Bishop Steven's blog
The presidential address to Diocesan Synod looked at Jesus' words at the beginning of his public ministry.
‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of heaven has come near; repent and believe in the good news’.
Development Fund
The next round of applications for Development Fund grants closes on 31 January - could it help you?
If you've got a local project that is missionally creative, the Fund could support your work.
New Pathways out now
Do we, as Christians, build a better world through social action or seeking justice?
Community organisers, extreme protestors, charity workers and church leaders share their views.
The latest news from across the diocese
Keep in touch with the Diocese of Oxford via email.
eNews is a weekly mailing full of information on news, training, resources and events that we think you'll find useful.
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Understanding baptism: Come and See
Come and See 2025 offers the chance to explore baptism for the first time or to reflect on your baptismal promises.
Get ready to join the journey this Lent - whatever your age and context, Come and See is for you.
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