Eco Church

Over 20% of all our churches have registered with A Rocha UK’s Eco Church scheme and we hope to see even more registered over the next year. It's a great way to engage your whole congregation in care for creation. It provides a framework, resources, and recognition for your achievements. 

Eco Church Helps you work through five areas:

  • Worship and teaching
  • Buildings
  • Land
  • Lifestyle
  • Community and global engagement

Register your church

Find registered churches in our diocese - we're hoping to see over 40% of churches registered by 2026

If you’re not sure where to start, our parish resource pack can give you simple ideas to take back to church:

Churchyard nature hunt illustration. Click the image to see the PDF.Environment Parish Resource Pack

Easy-to-follow advice on how to improve sustainability, reduce energy consumption and save money for your church, no matter your tradition or location in the diocese.

Page last updated: Monday 24th June 2024 2:22 PM
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