Every church I know says it welcomes everybody, but things don’t always turn out that way.
Over 1,000,000 people in Britain places somewhere on an autistic spectrum. Church can be a radically unwelcoming, even dangerous, place for them in ways nobody intends.
"I’m really grateful to Ann and others for drawing up a new edition of these guidelines for use in our diocese. They know what they’re talking about, and explain clearly and practically what worship and other church activities feel like for autistic people. Many of their suggested adaptations are simple and effective. Also, we know, churches that offer a genuine welcome genuinely grow!"
"It takes a whole world to know Christ, and awareness of every strand of what it means to be human enriches us all within the body of Christ. I commend these guidelines for our use in the Diocese of Oxford."
- Bishop Alan
Click here to download the guidelines (PDF)
Top tips for churches
How can churches make a difference for autistic people in their community?
"Our mission is to make sure people can be with God, with community, in a way that is truly meaningful for them - and when that works, it's a beautiful thing."
Watch our video where Ann Memmott PgC MA Ann Memmott, external adviser to the diocese on autism, shares her thoughts on how churches can make a difference to autistic people in their community.