Support for churches

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Print our cost of living crisis poster to display outside your church or on a community noticeboard to remind people they are not alone, that help is available, and that your church can support them. Download the poster.

“A prayer in worrying times” by Peter Graystone, Diocese of Southwark

Creator God,

our anxious eyes look ahead and see rising prices, striking workers and energy shortages.

In the midst of our worries help us find security in your unceasing love for us.

We ask for protection for the weakest, courage for the vulnerable, and hope for the frightened.

Do not let our worst fears come to pass, but flood the hearts of those who make decisions with generosity, compassion and justice.

And so may your children be glad to be alive and turn to you with grateful praise.


Order cost of living prayer postcards

Run an initiative

Community Money Advice (CMA) is a national charity supporting churches to help people overcome their financial problems by providing resources and training.

Become a CAP Debt Centre. Christians Against Poverty provide churches with training and support to offer a professional debt counselling tool. CAP do all the debt counselling centrally, including insolvency options, allowing the churches to focus on supporting clients spiritually and practically.

Run a CAP Job Club, the CAP Money Course, or a CAP Life Skills Group.

Get training and support from the Illegal Money Lending Team (Stop Loan Sharks) on how to identify victims of loan sharks and receive resources to raise awareness in your church or community. 

Start a local food pantry or community fridge in your neighbourhood.

Start a Baby Basics in your area.

Partner with Hey Girls… to provide free period products to those experiencing period poverty.

Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries provide the Sanctuary Course for small groups to raise awareness and start conversations about mental health.

Open your church as a warm space

Consider opening your church as a warm space. This might be particularly relevant if your church building or hall is on a fixed rate contract or will be heated anyway.

We've collated a list of things to consider if your church is interested in becoming a warm space - have a look at the dedicated page.

Not all churches could or should become a warm space, and we acknowledge the concern of many regarding their church’s energy bills in the current context. It's just one example of how churches can help, and another solution may fit your church better. You may also be able to link up with a local organisation to help support their own warm space.

Have a church drop-in session

Utilise your church members and communities’ skills to support others. This could be helping people write a formal email, putting together a CV, booking a Citizens Advice appointment, looking for the cheapest tariff online, etc. This support could be combined with food, the opportunity for socialising, homework support, or any manner of other things.

Start a computer club

Provide free internet access and laptops.

Talk about poverty effectively

We want to reduce poverty, and communicating well about poverty will help us achieve this aim. Joseph Rowntree Foundation have put together an excellent poverty framing toolkit to help tell the story of poverty in a way that interacts well with our attitudes.

Cost of Living video series with small group discussion material from Baptists Together and The Fuelcast.

God and the Money Lenders is a report from The Contextual Theology Centre on faith and the battle against exploitative lending.

Growing Good is a free six-session course helping churches explore the connection between social action, discipleship, and growth.

The lies we tell ourselves: ending comfortable myths about poverty is a report from the Joint Public Issues Team.


As well as essential work to meet people’s immediate needs, those in the church can be calling for long-term solutions and systemic change in the face of this huge challenge.

Ask the UK political party leaders to support the introduction of an Essentials Guarantee within Universal Credit to ensure the basic rate at least covers life’s essentials, such as food and bills. This is a campaign from the Trussell Trust and Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

The Living Wage is an hourly rate, independently calculated each year as the amount a worker should earn to give their family a basic but acceptable standard of living. The Diocese of Oxford is working with Citizens UK to call health and care employers to pay their staff enough to live on. Read more and email Hannah Ling to find out how you can be part of this campaign.

Write to your MPs and councillors to make your voice heard on the issues you and your community are encountering.

Address period poverty, along with Bloody Good Period.

Enough is Enough is a campaign to fight the cost-of-living crisis, founded by trade unions and community organisations.


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Page last updated: Friday 21st March 2025 11:06 AM
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