Implementation plan

Enabling all to belong and flourish.

Equality, inclusion and diversity (EDI) themes

  1. To support the Diocese of Oxford in its vision and aim by embedding equality, diversity and inclusion principles, particularly within our recruitment, appointment and people management processes recognising the value of a range of Church of England theologies within the context of a broad church. 
Priority area Actions Measure of progress Responsible RAG status & timescale
Structure & governance Obtain final approval of implementation plan at Bishop’s Council in October 2022 Approval of the implementation plan achieved and ready for action. Led by HR in conjunction with Comms and support of Bishops Staff Throughout 2023
Structure & governance Successfully launch the EDI policy supported by the implementation plan to the Diocese of Oxford from January 2023

Ensure the EDI policy is accessible and communicated to all its members, ODBF/ODBE employees, officeholders, volunteers and contractors appropriately by:

  • creating a specific EDI diocesan website page where EDI headlines are grouped together;
  • working with the comms team to raise awareness and promote the launch of the EDI policy through the approved diocesan communication channels.
Led by HR in conjunction with Comms and support of Bishops Staff Throughout 2023
Structure & governance Ensure each strand of the EDI has the structures in place to be effective – a dedicated role, an oversight group and a networking forum

Respective oversight groups are in place and functioning well;

The UKME Chapter, LGBTQIAI+ chaplaincy, women in ministry networking group, disability network offering support and mentoring to disabled clergy and licensed lay ministers (LLMs), deaf ministry team;

UKME representation in every diocesan formal committee of the ODBF and ODBE with the aspiration of this being for all in the future. 

Led by HR in conjunction with Comms and support of Bishops Staff Throughout 2023
Participation To intentionally attract candidates who identify as someone from an under-represented group (unless there is a requirement for a role to recruit someone from a particular underrepresented group) to apply for all appointments/vacancies within the Diocese of Oxford

Continue to use inclusive language in all job adverts, including the Genuine Occupational Requirement (GOR);

Identify alternative mediums to attract candidates from under-represented groups to our jobs;

We aspire to ensure there is always at least one appointable UKME/GMH candidate shortlisted for senior clergy posts, bishops and diocesan senior leadership teams;

Comms team to strengthen the inclusive language on their material.

HR & Comms and those leading clergy appointments;

HR Adviser (resourcing & development);


Ongoing as and when a vacancy arises
Participation To promote an inclusive environment where opportunities/vacancies are open to everyone, and decisions are based on merit and are free from bias

Review current tools used for selection, i.e. application form and language used in job descriptions and adverts (being mindful that we attract people who have English as a second language);

Include a short equal opportunities policy statement on all diocesan vacancy advertisements;

Work with recruiting managers to challenge any stereotypes when shortlisting candidates;

Ensure a UKME representative is on each interview panel for senior-level appointments.

HR & recruiting managers  Ongoing 


  1. To promote a culture of dignity, fairness and respect for all, where discrimination, including unconscious bias and microaggression, is challenged and concerns can confidently be raised. 
Priority area Actions Measure of progress Responsible RAG status & timescale
Training & mentoring To coach and support our parishes in becoming confident and competent in addressing and challenging discrimination concerns Produce an EDI guidance information sheet to support parishes when tackling unconscious biases present in their setting. Director of People & Safeguarding   By August 2023 
Training & mentoring To upskill and coach our senior leadership team in the area of anti-racism  Agree and determine what is the best training for the Diocese to engage with to deliver the in-depth anti-racism training to its senior leadership members and roll out the training. Director of People & Safeguarding, Diocesan Secretary & Bishop of Oxford By April 2023; roll out training throughout the year 
Educate We as a diocese strive to eliminate unconscious bias and microaggressions in any recruitment, promotion, and training-related decisions

A member of the HR team to be part of the recruitment process for all ODBE/ODBF and senior clergy appointments to ensure fairness and equity and challenge anything that isn’t including: 

  • referring to specific job criteria when making recruitment decisions;
  • omitting all personal questions from job interviews.
HR in conjunction with recruitment/
appointment manager


  1. To develop a framework to capture robust and reliable equality and diversity ‘protected characteristics’ data for staff, ordained and lay ministry within the Diocese of Oxford to help us better understand our current demographics and improve participation from underrepresented groups at the senior level.
Priority area Actions Measure of progress Responsible RAG status & timescale

To establish a robust system to monitor and capture the data needed to understand the EDI make-up of the existing ODBF and ODBE workforce and our ordained and lay ministers within the Diocese of Oxford

Circulate the EDI letter and data collection questionnaire to existing ordained and lay ministers within the Diocese of Oxford and encourage them to complete it;

To achieve agreement on how we can continue to obtain EDI data for all new clergy appointments to the diocese;

Continue to encourage existing staff (ODBF & ODBE) to update their data in Employee Self-Service (ESS);

From January 2022 all new staff requested to input data in ESS as part of their induction;

Continue to actively encourage candidates to complete the ODBE/ODBF recruitment monitoring form as part of the application process;

Consider working with parishes across the diocese on collecting, collating and monitoring EDI data for PCC leadership and other ministries to be collected and annually submitted to the diocese by the end of 2023

HR & Comms

Sept 2022 to November 2022




December 2023

Structure & governance
To ensure we have an equal and diverse workforce that mirrors the demographics of our diocese Produce the Diocese of Oxford’s first annual report on diversity for both clergy (ordained and lay ministers) and the ODBF/ODBE workforce to understand our current demographics to help us determine any action required to address any underrepresented groups at the senior level HR By March 2023

To improve participation from underrepresented groups at the senior level across the Diocese of Oxford Two additional UKME individuals have been identified to join the Diocesan Synod and Bishop’s Council for the next three years from 2022 - 2024 Identified UKME individuals Until the end of 2024


  1. To raise awareness and ensure equality of opportunity for learning and development for everyone within the Diocese of Oxford community by promoting a greater understanding and engagement of EDI issues so that everyone can flourish and reach their full potential.
Priority area Actions Measure of progress Responsible RAG status & timescale
Education To raise awareness and promote our current diocesan commitments specifically around racial justice and our new EDI policy Develop and execute a calendar to mark key events in 2023 (1 per quarter) to raise awareness around our current diocesan priority areas: ‘race and equality' and some of the other EDI strands:
  • Black History Month (October) in Milton Keynes and St Paul’s, Slough 
  • Race Equality Week (6-12 February) including Racial Justice Sunday in children, young people & schools and rural communities 
Other suggestions include:
  • National Inclusion Week - 26th Sept to 2nd Oct
  • LGBTQIA+ History Month – February
  • Deaf awareness week – 1st to 7th May
  • Global Accessibility Awareness Day – 18th May
  • Learning disability week – 19th to 25th June
  • Disability Sunday
  • Transgender Day of Remembrance – 20th November
  • Celebrating 125 years of ODCD – Autumn
  • Pride Month – June
  • Neurodiversity celebration week – 13th to 19th March
  • Deaf awareness week – 1st to 7th May
  • Anti-Bullying Week – 13th to 19th November
Advisor of the appropriate EDI strand, e.g. UKME Development Enabler, Disability Adviser etc.  Dates dependent on which events are chosen 
Education To continue to promote a greater understanding and engagement of EDI issues, particularly around Disability, Deaf, LGBTQIA+, Poverty and Inequality, Racial Justice and Gender, within the Diocese of Oxford, particularly within our parishes to foster an inclusive ethos

Ensure the EDI strands e.g., LGBTQIA+, Poverty & Inequality, Racial justice and Disability & Church diocesan website pages are up-to-date and signpost to the useful resources available;

Consider creating a separate diocesan website page for Deaf issues & church and action accordingly;

Increase awareness of the advocacy and support groups that exist within the Diocese among churches in collaboration with their members and the Comms team. These include:

  • UKME Chapter & Intercultural Mission and Ministry Resourcing Hub;
  • LGBTQIA+ Reference Group & LGBTQIA+ Chaplaincy Service;
  • LLF Advocates  (Living in Love and Faith);
  • Authorised Listeners (Bullying & Harassment);
  • Support Persons (Victims & Survivors);
  • Poverty & Inequality Steering Group;
  • Clergy Dyslexia Forum.

Establishing the disability oversight group to support the aims and objectives of the disability strand within the EDI policy;

Explore establishing a network of contacts and support for women’s ministry across the diocese;

Create a session for new incumbents, and clergy new to the diocese around disability awareness;

Produce a series of short blogs: Top tips around disability and accessibility, church buildings and liturgy;

Host a one-day conference with the Vocations team on 25 February at Church House: Ministry through the lens of Disability;

A training session for LGBTQIA+ chaplains and its  reference group members will take place in November 2022 focussing on the subject of transgender and yearly training on other topics;

Raise awareness of the Disability Access Audit for Church Buildings tool available to support parishes in assessing their church building’s accessibility with the view to constantly increasing uptake to match or better 2022 (12);

Host the Diocesan Clergy Women’s Day on 1 October 2022 to support, promote and encourage women’s ministry in all areas within the diocese with the view of becoming an annual event;

Re-establish a pattern of regular BSL and Deaf church services across the diocese post-Covid and allow the wider Deaf community to form relationships with the new lead chaplain.

Relevant EDI strand leads with the Comms team:

Chaplain for the Deaf 

Disability Adviser

Bishop’s advisor in women’s ministry

Social Justice Adviser

Ongoing/ quarterly
Structure & governance

To continue supporting marginalised people who are more likely to be on low incomes, particularly in the areas of disability, race, sexual orientation, and gender identity (these groups have a greater chance of experiencing poverty) to address poverty and inequality 

Our strategic work in partnership with Citizens UK equips and supports our parishes and deaneries to listen to the needs of their communities and work with them to create social change with training events and the launch of Reading and Oxford alliances;

Supporting churches to address those struggling with the cost-of-living crisis with initiatives such as warm banks, real living wage campaign and starting new support projects within this area.

Social Justice Adviser  Ongoing 
Overall culture change

To grow new congregations in the Diocese of Oxford to promote a truly mixed ecclesial ecology and nurture diverse worshipping communities: St Paul’s, Slough has been identified as the Intercultural Ministry & Mission Resourcing Hub, leading on bringing people from all cultures and ethnicities together by pioneering and modelling best practices within the area of intercultural worshipping

To help other churches begin and expand intercultural ministry and mission in their local contexts by developing resources and training to share their expertise and experience;

To implement the Intercultural Ministry & Mission Resourcing Hub and Greenhouse workplan.

Vicar of St Paul’s Church, Slough in partnership with the UKME Development Enabler Ongoing/as per workplan
Training & mentoring To raise basic awareness and equip all in the areas of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion including protected characteristics, discrimination, victimisation and unfair treatment Determine what EDI training is to be provided for clergy and ODBF/ODBE workforce and roll out the relevant EDI training as part of induction and/or as well as their continuous personal and professional development and apply this to their ongoing practice Director of People & Safeguarding  By March 2023; roll out training throughout the year
Page last updated: Tuesday 12th September 2023 9:25 AM
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