Flourishing in your role

Each of us is in need of Christ’s healing touch

The need for ministers within the church to flourish in their ministry role is as great as any to whom they minister.

This video (recorded at the diocesan clergy conference 2018) explores how ministers can flourish in their ministries. Read the transcript here.

Focus on your inner life

A fundamental strand in developing leadership is to watch over your inner life.
Financial Times article | Bishop Steven's blog


Exploring Flourishing in Ministry

One of our partners, Thrive Worldwide, offer a 6-week online programme for ministers to explore how best they can flourish in their ministry.

For further information, see the Thriving in Ministry page of their website.

For a conversation exploring flourishing in your ministry and life, email us here.


In this section...

Flourishing in Ministry

Supporting every minister to thrive in their life and ministry.

Flourishing Together

Resources to encourage and support you with examples of good practice in shared leadership.

Spiritual Direction

A network of spiritual directors to accompany you as you explore your personal journey.

Page last updated: Wednesday 7th August 2024 3:21 PM
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