On the money

Graphic showing that 90pence in every pound comes back to our parishesWe spend around £29 million each year directly or indirectly supporting the mission and ministry of the Church of England, our schools and partner agencies.

That’s a huge amount of money for us all to raise each year, so we have a duty to spend it well. On the Money, updated in June each year, sets out to explain how we do just that.

Download the latest version (PDF)

Related publications

  • Annual Review
    Published in June, the Annual Review provides an overview of the work of our boards, committees and councils, along with stories of growth and change.
  • The difference we make
    The wide-reaching impact of our staff teams, along with forecast annual income and expenditure is published each Spring. The document summarises key areas of work and the resources that support our common vision.
  • Statutory Accounts
    Directors' reports and financial statements for the Oxford Diocesan Board of Finance, the Oxford Diocesan Board of Education and Diocesan Trustees (Oxford) Ltd are published and approved by Diocesan Synod in June each year.
  • 2024 annual budget
    The annual budget is scrutinised by Diocesan Synod in November each year. 
  • Share allocation reports
    Parish Share collection rates by deanery are published monthly on the Parish Finance section of this website.
  • Autumn Financial Briefings
    The Director of Finance, Diocesan Secretary and Generous Giving Adviser share their thoughts for the year ahead. Watch your area's meeting back at any time.
Page last updated: Monday 1st July 2024 2:17 PM
First published on: 2nd November 2022
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