A record should be retained of all safeguarding concerns that are shared. We advise all parishes to keep safeguarding records in secure files on a parish computer or in a locked filing cabinet/cupboard. The incumbent and PSO should have access to these files and information would be shared with other people on a need to know basis.
Safeguarding information should not be stored on home computers. Sensitive information that needs to be shared by email should be password protected in a word document or sent in an encrypted email.
When there is a change of PSO or incumbent there needs to be a handover of on-going safeguarding situations.
For information on how long information can be stored please see the document below.
Please also see the national Church policy on record keeping
Safeguarding training is unique to the Church of England because it addresses the theological necessity for safeguarding and explores safeguarding from a faith perspective. The only exception is the Methodist Church.
APCS have recently developed the online DBS Eligibility Tool below to support parishes in determining if a DBS check is required for a role and at which level. Please refer to onlinecrbcheck.co.uk/eligibility-tool to determine the level of DBS required for each role.
The diocese has adopted a trauma-informed approach and aims to work with victims and survivors of abuse to understand what support would meet their needs. Please see our Support for Survivors leaflet. The leaflet also has other sources of support that they can access.
It depends and guidance needs to be applied to each PCC and for some small Parishes with no regulated activities the eligibility of trustees can be questioned. Please see section C in this document. We feel the Parish Safeguarding Dashboard is a good tool as it helps the PCC to know the responsibilities of key roles. There is also the area to record activities which in turn enable Parishes to check if they have the correct safeguards in place.
These documents explain what a core group is, who needs to attend one, agenda and FAQs.
Each of our area offices is responsible for monitoring and supporting clergy, however you may need to link with the area office to support you with information to update your Safeguarding Dashboard.
Please read the documents below which will guide you in what is required for your bell ringers in our Parishes.
The Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bellringer safeguarding web page documents the safeguarding requirements needed.
Central Council of Church Bellringers safeguarding page offers additional guidance for church officers and advisors.