Appointing our next bishops

The See of Buckingham is currently vacant following the untimely death of Bishop Alan Wilson in February 2024. The See of Reading will be vacant from 1 October 2024 following the retirement of Bishop Olivia Graham. The whole diocese is asked to pray for the process of discernment to seek the people God is calling to be next Bishop of Buckingham and the next Bishop of Reading.

The Bishop of Oxford is leading the process of appointment which will lead to names being submitted to Downing Street for nomination to the Crown. An advisory group has been appointed for each See.

The Dioceses Commission have given the required approval to make the appointments following their meeting on 13 June 2024. Notices were placed in the Church Press in June with an invitation to submit names for consideration to the Bishop of Oxford by 25 July 2024.

The Advisory Panels appointed after consultation are as follows:

Reading Advisory Panel

The Rt Revd Dr Steven Croft, Bishop of Oxford
Canon Mark Humphriss, Diocesan Secretary
David Wicksteed, Archbishops’ Advisers for Appointments, Lambeth Palace
Charnelle Stylianides, Director of People, Oxford Diocesan Board of Finance
The Revd Canon Dr Geoff Bayliss, Chair of the House of Clergy
John Sykes, Chair of the House of Laity
The Revd Mike Smith, Area Dean, Reading
The Revd Mark Nam, Reading Deanery
Caroline Kallipetis, Lay Chair, Bracknell Deanery
Sue Scane, Bishop’s Nominee

Buckingham Advisory Panel

The Rt Revd Dr Steven Croft, Bishop of Oxford
Canon Mark Humphriss, Diocesan Secretary
David Wicksteed, Archbishops’ Advisers for Appointments, Lambeth Palace
Charnelle Stylianides, Director of People, Oxford Diocesan Board of Finance
The Revd Canon Dr Geoff Bayliss, Chair of the House of Clergy
The Revd Canon Janet Binns, Area Dean, Burnham and Slough Deanery
The Revd Canon Gill Barrow-Jones, Milton Keynes Deanery
Lawrence Tebboth, Lay Chair, Amersham Deanery
Sir Hector Sants, Chair, Oxford Diocesan Board of Finance

The Advisory Panels will meet in early September to shortlist up to four names for interview for each See. The interviews will take place across three days in early October. Candidates will also meet the relevant Area Teams and those who are leading in different areas of the bishops probable portfolios. Following the interview process, names will be submitted to Downing Street. We anticipate the names will be made public in early December.

We are hoping that our two new Area Bishops will be consecrated by the Archbishop of Canterbury on Thursday 27 February 2025, and that services of welcome will be held in the two episcopal Areas and in the Cathedral the following weekend.

Please do continue to pray for these key appointments in the life of our diocese.

Loving God,

We thank you for all those who have served as Bishops of Reading and Buckingham. Guide us by your Holy Spirit as together we seek those whom you are calling to these ministries. Give wisdom to all involved in the process of appointment.

Help us as your disciples to become together a more Christ-like Church for the sake of God’s world: more contemplative, compassionate and courageous.

Give us a deep love for one another, for your gospel and your world and build your church and your kingdom in each village, town and city in this diocese; through Christ our Lord.


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