Curate - Burchetts Green

Burchetts Green is a diverse parish of four villages which offers different styles of worship across the three churches. Each village is its own community and has its own particular flavour of church. There are a number of families attending at Littlewick Green; a healthy congregation at Hurley (boosted in the summer by visitors to the river); and a gathered congregation around the Book of Common Prayer services currently held at Stubbings. These provide an opportunity to experience a breadth of worship across the parish and to be involved in planning and leading these services.

We also have a Licenced Lay Minister and a Parish Administrator and are in the process of establishing regular Ministry Team meetings. Along with developing the vision, this would be an opportunity for a curate to be involved in discerning where God might be leading the parish and planning how that works on the ground. There is an infant school and a girls’ secondary school which both have links with the church and are keen for church involvement. The villages are all thriving communities and are all welcoming of a Christian presence within them. There are many potential areas for development across the four villages.

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