Bishops of Oxford since 1542

2016 Steven Croft Bishop of Sheffield

2007 John Pritchard Bishop of Jarrow (resigned See of Oxford 2014)

1987 Richard Douglas Harries Dean of King’s College, London (resigned See of Oxford 2006)

1978 Patrick Campbell Rodger Bishop of Manchester (resigned See of Oxford 1986)

1971 Kenneth John Woollcombe Principal of Edinburgh Theological College (resigned See of Oxford 1978)

1955 Harry James Carpenter Warden of Keble (resigned See of Oxford 1970)

1937 Kenneth Escott Kirk Regius Professor of Moral and Pastoral Theology

1925 Thomas Banks Strong Bishop of Ripon (resigned See of Oxford 1937)

1919 Hubert Murray Burge Bishop of Southwark

1911 Charles Gore Bishop of Birmingham (resigned See of Oxford 1919)

1901 Francis Paget Dean of Christ Church

1889 William Stubbs Bishop of Chester

1870 John Fielder Mackarness Prebendary of Exeter

1845 Samuel Wilberforce Dean of Westminster

1829 Richard Bagot Dean of Canterbury

1827 Charles Lloyd Regius Professor of Divinity

1816 Edward Legge Dean of Windsor

1832 William Jackson Regius Professor of Greek

1807 Charles Moss

1799 John Randolph Regius Professor of Divinity

1788 Edward Smallwell Bishop of St David’s

1777 John Butler Prebendary of Winchester

1766 Robert Louth Bishop of St David’s

1758 John Hume Bishop of Bristol

1737 Thomas Secker Bishop of Bristol

1715 John Potter Regius Professor of Divinity

1699 William Talbot Dean of Worcester

1690 John Hough President of Magdalen College

1688 Timothy Hall (denied installation by the Chapter of Christ Church)

1686 Samuel Parker Archdeacon of Canterbury

1676 John Fell Dean of Christ Church

1674 Henry Compton Canon of Christ Church

1671 Nathanial, Lord Crewe Rector of Lincoln and Dean of Chichester

1665 Walter Blandford Warden of Wadham College

1663 William Paul Dean of Lichfield

1641 Robert Skinner Bishop of Bristol (deprived during the Commonwealth but restored 1660)

1632 John Bancroft Master of University College

1628 Richard Corbet Dean of Christ Church

1619 John Howson Student of Christ Church

1604 John Bridges Dean of Salisbury

Eleven years vacancy

1589 John Underhill Rector of Lincoln College

Twenty-one years vacancy

1567 Hugh Coren or Curwen Archbishop of Dublin

Nine years vacancy

1559 Thomas Goldwell Bishop of St Asaph 1558 Fled to Milan and Rome

1542 Robert King Suffragan of Lincoln, first Bishop of Oxford, the seat of the Bishopric being at Osney    

Back to the Bishop of Oxford

Page last updated: Saturday 22nd January 2022 3:01 PM

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