Addressing poverty and inequality

A man sits outside a busy shop as people walk by

Much is already being done to respond to the injustices of poverty and inequality. God is at work through more than a thousand churches, chaplaincies and schools in this diocese, and also through each of us as individual disciples. But it is clear that people continue to struggle in myriad ways, and opportunities are not equally available to all. The Covid-19 pandemic, the national economic impact and rise in the cost of living have only exacerbated this.

Here are three steps that churches can and should be taking. Click each title to see more information. You might also like to browse through this section of the site thematically - you'll find links on the left-hand side (desktop) and below (mobile).

Be aware

Our diocese covers a huge area with huge amounts of variety in affluence, environments, and ways of living. That means poverty and inequality are experienced differently in each context.

To help discern you and your church’s role in addressing poverty and inequality, get to know your context better and explore the issues facing your community.  

Get to know your area better:

Already know what the issues are in your area?

Find out more about what they actually mean.

See our themed pages to learn more about types of inequality.

You might also be interested in exploring more widely:

What next?

Know your stuff? Time to engage. Click the Engage box below to move on.


So you’re aware of some of the issues of poverty and inequality in your area, or globally, and you want to start doing something to make a difference.

Here are some ways you and your church can engage:
What next?

Want to do more? Think about your next steps and let's act. Click the Act box below to read on.


So you know the issues of poverty and inequality people in your area, you may have engaged with prayer and campaigns, but now you want to take action.

Great resources to guide your first steps

Don’t underestimate the power of partnering with others (charities, other churches, community groups) or of starting small.

What next?

Put your vision and learning into action! Get in touch with the diocesean Social Justice Adviser Hannah Ling to talk plans over or seek advice, or scroll down to the bottom of this page for ideas and inspiration from other parishes.

Our common vision

We have listened with God to the big questions, the challenges, and opportunities we have as a diocese. Addressing Poverty and Inequality is one of our five areas of focus.

Thematic pages

Cost-of-living crisis

Guidance for churches looking to support their community and resources and support for congregations and clergy.


Churches across the diocese are seeking to alleviate poverty, including income poverty, food poverty, and digital poverty.

Homelessness & housing

Homelessness and housing is particularly an issue due to the high cost of and demand for housing in the diocese.

Refugees & asylum

Get inspired and equipped to support your church's work with survivors of human trafficking, refugees and asylum seekers.

Isolation & mental health

The church as a community is excellently placed to support people struggling with loneliness and mental ill-health.

Community organising

Enabling churches to alleviate the root causes of poverty and inequality through our partnership with Citizens UK.

Modern slavery

How the diocese are highlighting the issue of modern slavery and where to find out more.

Ethical living

Everyday advice for living well in God's world.

“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.”
Zechariah 4:10

Page last updated: Wednesday 14th August 2024 1:28 PM

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