Modern slavery

Illustrative photograph of modern slavery. A woman looks between wooden bards,The Thames Valley is one of the areas in the UK with the highest prevalence of modern-day slavery, so there is an urgent need to combat this crime.

The diocese is working in partnership with the Thames Valley Police and local organisations to highlight the issue, as well as with the Clewer Initiative, who lead the Church of England response.

Modern slavery and trafficking is broader than what might first come to mind; survivors can be men, women, or children, who are victims of labour exploitation, criminal exploitation, or sexual exploitation. 

Be aware
  • The Clewer Initiative is enabling Church of England dioceses and wider Church networks to develop strategies to detect modern slavery in their communities and help provide victim support and care. It provides training and educational resources such as lesson plans and undertakes project initiatives such as the Safe Car Wash app and The Farm Work Welfare app.
  • Anti-Slavery Initiative Oxford (ASIOX) — A Christian group based in Oxfordshire who have a passion to see human slavery and trafficking ended.
  • Oxford Anti-Slavery Network (OxASN) — Partnership of Thames Valley Police and local authorities and organisations, including the Diocese of Oxford.
Report suspected slavery
  • Modern Slavery Helpline — 08000 121 700
  • Thames Valley Police can be contacted on 101 or 999 or on their website
  • Crimestoppers take anonymous information from members of the public which is then passed on to the police — 0800 555 111
  • Run The Clewer Initiatives' County Lines resources to help teachers and youth leaders raise awareness of country lines with young people in years 7-9.
  • Run Journeys with your church small group to learn more and be inspired to fight against modern slavery. This includes videos with moving stories based on true accounts of survivors.
  • Host survivors of modern slavery for a fixed period with Hope at Home. They are the only hosting scheme of its kind in the UK, and offer training and support for hosts who have a spare bedroom and an attitude of hospitality for marginalised people.

Lord of creation, we thank you
for all who are working to combat modern slavery:
for governments and agencies,
for Church and other faith leaders,
for charities and individuals.
Help us to be part of love’s movement
to work for a world where human beings are valued,
free to come and go, where no one is enslaved,
no one used against their will for another’s pleasure or need.

Source: Clewer Initiative


Page last updated: Thursday 30th January 2025 3:56 PM

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