We enjoyed welcoming Thomas Wärfman (Dean of Växjö Cathedral) and Mattias Östborg (Chair of the Växjö-Oxford Link Committee) to Oxford to celebrate our diocesan link with Växjö, which has been in place since 2003. The visit was an opportunity to share experiences on areas such as care for creation, encouraging young leaders, and mutual learning through parish and cathedral links.
A wide range of events took place to introduce our visitors to some of the mission and ministry that goes on in our diocese and it was a privilege to reflect together on different approaches, perspectives and opportunities.
A special service of evensong at Christ Church Cathedral (on the day the church remembers St Sigfrid, the Patron Saint of Växjö) was an opportunity to give thanks for the many blessings this link has brought throughout the years, and pray that our relationship will continue to inspire the work in both our dioceses for years to come.
Read about our link dioceses or visit our Facebook page for more photos from the visit.