Videos from the Diocese of Oxford.

View these and more on our YouTube channel - search oxforddiocese or click here.

A more Christ-like Church: Bishop Olivia's priorities for episcopal ministry

Speaking at the Berkshire Archdeaconry day just a few weeks after her consecration, the Bishop of Reading, the Rt Revd Olivia Graham, sets out her priorities for episcopal ministry and explores our common vision for a more Christ-like Church. Speaking powerfully about how society has failed our young people, she says our priority must be addressing climate chaos. The four films she refers to follow sequentially in this playlist.

A more Christ-like Church: Called - exploring everyday faith

Where is God guiding and inspiring you to share your gifts and passions in your everyday life? What would you be doing if you could invent your ideal future? Are you interested in joining a small group to reflect on where God might be calling you? Find out more about this six-week journey, open to all in the Diocese of Oxford. Visit

A more Christ-like Church: Called to be Christ-like

In this 2017 film, Bishop Steven introduces our common vision for a more Christ-like church for the sake of God's world. It’s a vision that has emerged from two years of listening. We are continually adapting and reshaping it as, together, we discern God’s will. For the latest information, please visit

A more Christ-like Church: Catechesis and discipleship

Filmed at the 2019 common vision conference at High Leigh, this film provides a short update about the catechesis and discipleship focus area, in particular, how we set the discipleship of all at the heart of our common life. To see the impact of a Personal Discipleship Plan, see Paul's story on this playlist. This focus area features in every issue of Pathways magazine under the #everydayfaith strand. Find articles tools and resources at “Using Personal Discipleship Plans has been one of the most transformational things I have done in my nine years here” – Revd Toby Wright

A more Christ-like Church: Celebrate and bless Milton-Keynes

Filmed at the 2019 common vision conference at High Leigh, this film provides a short update about the 'Celebrate and Bless Milton Keynes' focus area. It’s a vision that has emerged from two years of listening. We are continually adapting and reshaping it as, together, we discern God’s will. Find out more at or see Pathways magazine for regular updates about our common vision for a more Christ-like Church for the sake of God's world

A more Christ-like Church: Disciples together

It is time for the Church to re-engage with children, young people and families. There has been a growing gulf between our work and the reality of life for young people and in the culture at large. A new report, Disciples Together, explores how we can embrace change for the benefit of God’s work in the world and outlines steps for our future ministry. Download the report and find out more at:

A more Christ-like Church: Eco Church and environmental audits

Energy efficiency can enable our churches to provide attractive places of sanctuary, fellowship and communion – with a comfortable level of warmth and illumination – at a lower cost to the planet, and sometimes with financial savings as well, important as energy prices increase. One significant barrier for churches, however, is knowing what positive actions they can undertake. PCCs can obtain and begin to act on expert advice in this area with energy audits carried out by professionals with experience of historic places of worship. The energy audit looks at a range of energy uses in the church building, from lighting to heating, and recommends the energy and carbon reduction measures available. These can include simple changes that will cost nothing – such as setting adjustments and changing practices – as well as options for renewable technologies, better controls, or changes in equipment. This short film tells the story of how one church in Wokingham has benefited from this approach. To find out more, visit

A more Christ-like Church: Growing new congregations

Filmed at the 2019 common vision conference at High Leigh, this film provides a short update about growing new congregations. Our churches are doing faithful work and serving their congregations, but there are people, neighbourhoods, communities and networks in each area of the diocese that are unreached and untouched. We also know that a population at least the size of Edinburgh will move into this diocese over the next fifteen years. Some of these people will be living and working far from any traditional church. Others may never have stepped into a Church of England church before. So, this plan is about serving people where they are and where they live by growing new congregations of all shapes and sizes. It’s a plan that needs and involves all of us if it is to succeed. It’s a plan that could eventually grow as many as 750 new congregations in our diocese. Find out more at or see Pathways magazine for regular updates about our common vision for a more Christ-like Church for the sake of God's world

A more Christ-like Church: Growing your church

We have already more than 800 parish churches in the Diocese of Oxford. Why on earth would we want to grow still more congregations? This is an extract from one of the Mission and Evangelism sessions on our learning hub - "Here’s why I think growing congregations needs to be a key part of the life of the Church of England if we can in every place. – the Church has always grown by establishing new congregations in different places – there are scores of new housing estates being built right as our population expands – there is a wide gap between the culture of the church and the culture of society – Anglican parish churches have always been a collection of different congregations – Establishing new congregations has been enormously fruitful. Did you know that Anglican fresh expressions of church accounted for around 15% of Anglican congregations before the pandemic? Where there is a faithful witness to the good news, a sowing of the seeds of the gospel, then there will be in time new Christians who are to be encouraged and built up in the faith. Sometimes this will happen through people joining existing congregations – but sometimes it’s right to develop the missional community into a fresh expression of church in its own right and to seek to draw that church to maturity and sustainability. We are evolving again into a seven day a week church with many different communities to connect with the whole of our culture." – Bishop Steven Find out more and access the resources to help you at

A more Christ-like Church: Homes for Ukraine - meet Tanya and Hannah

"People just need to know they're not alone in their need. Even a kind word means a lot." Tanya Sazonova, Ukraine Support Worker, and Hannah Ling, Social Justice Adviser, share more about themselves and the Diocese of Oxford resettlement scheme for Ukrainians.

A more Christ-like Church: How to tackle loneliness and support struggling households

Bishop Gavin visited the Around Table hot meals initiative at Holy Trinity Church, Charlton, led by Wantage Parish. In response to the cost-of-living crisis and from listening to the needs of their community, with a team of dedicated volunteers and a professional chef, they provide over 100 free hot meals each week to anyone who needs it. Around Table brings together people of all ages and backgrounds from the local community around a table, helping tackle loneliness and supporting struggling households. Resources for churches looking to tackle the cost of living crisis can be found on the website:

A more Christ-like Church: Introducing the Parish Planning Tool

God has a vision for the future of your church. Every church has its strengths, achievements, opportunities and green shoots of potential. The Parish Planning Tool supports the mission of your church to become more Christ-like, helping you to see where God is already at work and how you can join in. The Parish Planning Tool will help you uncover the things that really work and carry them forward in new and transformed ways. It’s a process that acknowledges the past, celebrates the present and reveals a vision for the future. This short film looks at the experience of one of the first churches to adopt the Parish Planning Tool. Join them at the halfway stage of their process of discernment. The Parish Planning Tool is made available free of charge to every parish/benefice in the Diocese of Oxford and is available to purchase elsewhere. Follow this link to find out more and to order your copy

A more Christ-like Church: Making a bigger difference

Filmed at the 2019 common vision conference at High Leigh, this film provides a short update about the 'making a bigger difference' focus area. How can we better use our God-given talents and resources for the common good by engaging with our communities and challenging unjust structures? The needs of the planet and society can feel overwhelming; paralysing many from acting. Yet we live in a time of unprecedented opportunity as ours is a counter-cultural Gospel. We are called to care for the Earth, to live sustainably and to love our neighbour. Find out more at or see Pathways magazine for regular updates about our common vision for a more Christ-like Church for the sake of God's world

A more Christ-like Church: Mindfulness in schools, how Space Makers is helping Goring CE Primary School

Goring CE Primary School shares how Space Makers, the contemplative toolkit for schools and Sunday groups, helps their pupils navigate the world around them. Space Makers is a brand new resource for schools from the Diocese of Oxford, accessible to pupils of all faiths and worldviews. It takes wisdom from ancient Christian practices and turns it into modern, contemplative exercises for every day of the week.

A more Christ-like Church: New congregation

The pandemic brought life as we knew it to a halt. But across the diocese, there have been signs of hope – inspiring stories of how we can grow by doing church a little differently. You don’t need to be clergy or consider yourself a pioneer to get involved. This is for everyone – and however you do it, we’re here to support you. Find out more and get in touch:

A more Christ-like Church: Put into deep water

"Jesus looks at this great area of the Thames Valley and at the 2.4 million who live within it and at the other half a million who will move in or be born here over the next decade. He sees a population which is harassed and helpless, cut off from the stories which give peace and meaning and purpose to their lives. "The Christian vision remains for there to be at the heart of every community, in every city, town and village a community of people who are his body: who offer love and care and practical support; who are there to be salt and light; who offer welcome and support without judgement; and who are channels of the good news of God’s love. "The needs are significant. Jesus would have us share in this compassion and love for the crowds around us and says to us as he says to Peter: Put out into the deep water and let down the nets for a catch." Watch Bishop Steven's address at the first of four area days that took place during autumn/winter 2019. Includes new Bible teaching and mention of the new Parish Planning Tool. (30 minutes)

A more Christ-like Church: Sanctuary at Reading Minster - BBC South Today

"I just don’t think the ambulance service would have coped with that much pressure on it... This church does make a big difference." BBC South Today visit Sanctuary at Reading Minster, a safe space for anyone who needs it on Friday and Saturday nights. From street pastors and paramedics to church volunteers, the Minster and its team provide sanctuary in the city centre. Find out more about Street Pastors in your area at

A more Christ-like Church: Serving schools, children and young people

Filmed at the 2019 common vision conference at High Leigh, this film provides a short update about the focus area of serving schools, children and young people. See the pilot of the Contemplative Toolkit referred to by Charlie in the Goring School story on this playlist. Find out more at or see Pathways magazine for regular updates about our common vision for a more Christ-like Church for the sake of God's world

A more Christ-like Church: Supporting children, young people and families

Work with children, young people and schools is a key part of our common vision for a more Christ-like Church. In this presentation to the Oxford Diocesan Synod, Bishop Gavin, the diocesan chaplaincy adviser and our three discipleship enablers look at how we support children, youth and families in schools, at home and in church. Links ===================================================== Read the Disciples Together report: Find out more about SpaceMakers for families: Find out about the SpaceMakers contemplative toolkit for schools:

A more Christ-like Church: The LGBTQIA+ Chaplaincy Service

The LGBTQIA+ Chaplaincy Service in the Diocese of Oxford offers non-judgmental listening and support, and prayerful affirmation for LGBTQIA+ people, their families and friends. The Service aims to provide a safe space and dignity for every person at a time when these cannot be taken for granted. We have set clear expectations of inclusion and respect towards LGBTQIA+ people, their families and friends. Since then, we have continued to receive many requests for guidance and support. In November 2022, Bishop Steven Croft published 'Together in Love and Faith' which called on the Church of England to celebrate, bless and marry same-sex couples. Our chaplaincy is set in the hope and expectation that LGBTQIA+ people, and those close to them, are no longer left feeling on the margins of the Church of England. The LGBTQIA+ Chaplaincy Service is part of a diocesan-wide commitment to foster an attitude of inclusion and respect across the diversity of sexual and gender identities in our church and in the world. Find out more at:

A more Christ-like Church: The Story of Scripture

The story of the Bible is fundamentally about how God created us, how things have gone wrong, and how God faithfully throughout human history has called people back into relationship with him. This going deeper course is designed to help you get a firmer handle on that big story through the use of videos, questions, and quizzes. This course can be completed on your own, or as part of a small group. Over six modules, you'll open your Bible, gain a deeper understanding of what God was doing throughout the pages of Scripture and how God is calling you to join in that same story. In this film Dr Andy Angel introduces our new 'Going Deeper' course on Courses at this level take around 15 hours to complete and can be started at any time during the year. You’ll learn online at your own pace, or as part of a local group exploring six sessions together. is free to use and available to people living or worshipping in the Diocese of Oxford (Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Milton Keynes). To find out how to register, check your copy of eNews or speak to your vicar.

A more Christ-like Church: Wisdom from Above

Following the publication of his essay, Together in Love and Faith, the Rt Revd Dr Steven Croft, Bishop of Oxford, offers a commentary and reflections on the next stage of the Living in Love and Faith process. This includes the way in which we might approach that process together, both as a diocese, and more widely as the Church of England.

BBC South - Oxford Vigil for Peace

It was very good to welcome 500 people at the Peace Vigil in Oxford last night. The images that we're seeing on our screens from Gaza and Israel every day disturb all of us. They move us with grief and compassion. We are also concerned that hatred must not be bred here in the UK, so it's vital to bring people together in friendship and love. Find out more at was very good to welcome 500 people at the Peace Vigil in Oxford last night. The images that we're seeing on our screens from Gaza and Israel every day disturb all of us. They move us with grief and compassion. We are also concerned that hatred must not be bred here in the UK, so it's vital to bring people together in friendship and love. Find out more at

Bishop of Buckingham: Give Hope

When it comes to sharing the good news of the Covid vaccines, the best way to give hope to your neighbours is through a kind and constructive conversation. It’s as simple as H - O - P - E. In this short film, the Rt Revd Dr Alan Wilson, Bishop of Buckingham explains why he thinks the vaccine is good news for us all. Find out more about this project and download resources to use at

Bishop of Buckingham: June 30 Ordinations Sermon

A former professional scuba diver along with teachers, lawyers, and youth workers are among the 22 people ordained deacons in special services on 30 June 2018. “If the Church of God in our generation can take up the towel and do what Jesus did, then perhaps there will still be a Church in 100 years’ time,” said the Rt Revd Alan Wilson, preaching at the morning service, when the deacons who will serve in Buckinghamshire and Berkshire were ordained. Bishop Alan encouraged the ordinands using the story of Jesus serving his disciples by washing their feet See the live stream of the ordination service and a behind the scenes photo gallery of the #newrevs over on our Facebook page: dioceseofoxford

Bishop of Buckingham: ODBE Christmas message

A thank you to all our school staff and governors, heads and chairs, from Bishop Alan and Tony Wilson. The last few months have shown everybody how vital our schools are. Throughout the pandemic, our schools have developed innovative and creative ways to reach every child. It’s meant long hard hours, creative imagination, and unremitting hard work. We thank you.

Bishop of Buckingham: Speaks to GB News about the refugee crisis

Following the letter signed by all of the Church of England bishops in the Lords, the Bishop of Buckingham explains to GB News why there should be 'a proper, British, humanitarian response to the refugee crisis', and why the current government policy towards refugees is simply wrong.

Care for Creation - Energy saving at home

Join the Environment Team and Staff Green Group at a lunchtime event for Great Big Green Week to learn simple tips and how to plan more major options to make our homes more energy efficient, to both help our planet and reduce our energy bills. Mim Saxl from Low Carbon West Oxford will speak on low-cost energy-saving tips for homes, and Jane Grindey from Low Carbon Oxford North will share more about their Housewarming programme, giving guidance on what to consider when planning to invest in some more major energy efficiency options.

Care for Creation - Volunteer Deanery Environmental Lead

Mike Hill, Volunteer Deanery Environmental Lead for the Wycombe Deanery, shares what the role is all about, the importance of creation care, and some of the environment projects at churches in the deanery.

Care for Creation: Episode 1 - Incarnation

The first of four short films from the Bishop of Reading about the environment, and how we understand our relationship to the created world. Questions to ponder: How does this understanding of incarnation help us to think about our relationship to the rest of creation? If God is incarnate in the whole of creation, can there be any separation between sacred and profane? What does that mean for each of us, and for how we work out our response to the environmental emergency which faces our world?

Care for Creation: Episode 2 - Sin and salvation

The second of four short films from the Bishop of Reading about the environment, and how we understand our relationship to the created world. Episode 2: Sin and salvation. Questions to ponder: What does each of the foundational stories in Genesis stir up in us as we think about the relationship God wants us to have with God’s creation? When we are thinking about our relationship with God and with Creation how do we see our sinfulness and our responsibility? Can we think about sin on both an individual and a corporate level? What does it mean at each of these levels to turn away from it? How can we participate lovingly in the web of life, and challenge our own tendency to be careless and destructive of what has been created and sanctified by God?

Care for Creation: Episode 3 - Heart knowledge

The third of four short films from the Bishop of Reading about the environment, and how we understand our relationship to the created world. Episode 3: Heart knowledge Questions to ponder: Do we use both our minds and our hearts to understand God? What do we notice God around us? How often do we stop and do the deep, deep noticing until we see God’s divine presence in the intricacy of creation? How does heart-knowledge help us to take in the reality of the environment crisis, and to express what we feel about it? What would it take for us to seek a different future?

Care for Creation: Episode 4 - a Kairos moment

The last of four short films from the Bishop of Reading about the environment, and how we understand our relationship to the created world. Care for creation. Episode 4: a Kairos moment Questions to ponder: Shift 1: from “I” to “We”. The recognition of our interconnectedness; the importance of relationship right across society and across the world; the realisation that we are not a free-standing species but a part of a complex web of life, relying on other parts of the web for our ability to survive. Shift 2: from valuing productivity…to valuing life The engine of our economic system is the idea that we will continue to increase, every year, the amount that we consume. We are constantly encouraged to buy more, to waste more and throw away more so that we can continue to consume . This is self-evidently not good for the planet. Our economics is also based on the idea that the more people are paid, the more value they have to society. We have a new realisation of how this is simply not true. Those who bring the most value to our lives are the lowest paid and often most insecure and perilously employed. We have clapped them on Thursday nights. Money is simply not the measure of all things. But it is true that the more we seek money, the more we want to consume. Shift 3: from making small adjustments to being ambitious for a whole new way of being Many of us have tweaked our lifestyles. We have become more conscious, perhaps, of the amount of non-reusable plastic we use; of where our electricity comes from; of sorting our rubbish. These are all good things. But they are not enough by themselves. We have an opportunity to reshape our churches and our culture and society for a new, sustainable future. As a species we are capable of adapting fast. The diocese of Oxford has committed to making significant changes into order to reach our target of net zero carbon emissions by 2035, and each church and school within it is strongly encouraged to do the same. We all need to work on this, and we need to do it together, as Easter people.

Care for Creation: If we sleepwalk through the next decade, the tragedy will be irrecersible

The once rich tapestry of life on earth is now being degraded year by year because of the expansion and greed of a single species: our selves. Our life is inextricably linked to and dependent on the biodiversity of the Earth. While there are signs that the world is waking up to the environmental disaster we face, Britain is currently one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world. This is a critical moment and Christians need to care. The Bible teaches us from Genesis to Revelation that humanity is part of God’s creation with a particular relationship with the natural world. We have been given a sacred responsibility to serve and steward and watch over the earth: the land and the water and all that lives in them. Restoring our relationship with the earth is therefore core to our own salvation, won by Christ on the cross. We need not just to conserve but to restore the natural world carefully and intentionally in the coming decade. The Church of England is not able to do this by ourselves but we can, and we should, offer leadership wherever we can. May God give us grace and strength to work together in this generation for the renewal of the Earth. ------- This is a recording of the Presidential Address to Oxford Diocesan Synod, given by the Rt Revd Dr Steven Croft, Bishop of Oxford, on 11 March 2023. A transcript can be found on the blog. Still images used in this film were all available in the public domain and available under creative commons licenses at the time of recording.

Care for Creation: On the frontline of the battle for the sake of every beloved part of God's creation

The Oxford Diocesan Synod motion, "Responding to the Climate Emergency", has been overwhelmingly supported by the General Synod of the Church of England. Setting out the challenges we face, Bishop Olivia, said "The signs from Westminster, friends, are not at all good: Lord Deben, the outgoing Committee Chair called the decision to approve the UK’s first new deep coal mine in 30 years ‘total nonsense’, and he was damning about plans to approve the Rosebank oilfield off the coast of Scotland. How, he asked, can we ask countries in Africa not to develop oil; how can we ask other nations not expand their fossil fuel production if we start doing it ourselves? Alok Sharma, who was Chair of the COP26 has said that the UK is at risk of losing its ‘international reputation and influence on climate’, that we risk falling behind without a response like the US’s vast subsidies for green industries. Zac Goldsmith, resigned two weeks ago, citing government apathy and the Prime Minister’s apparent disinterest in climate change as the cause. Just a few days beforehand, it was reported that our government is drawing up plans to drop the UK’s flagship £11.6bn climate and nature funding pledge. And on Sunday, it was claimed that Sir Keir Starmer ‘hates the tree huggers’ As our politicians row back to appease extreme elements on the back benches, there are ever more solid and compelling evidences of the extreme dangers we are in. Last week the UN secretary general said that “climate change is out of control”, as an unofficial analysis of world temperatures showed the hottest week on record. As our planet heats up, as tipping points are passed and interact with each other, as species go extinct, as water resources become scarcer, as increasingly large parts of the planet become simply uninhabitable for human beings… mass movements of people will begin. There could be as many as 1.2 billion climate refugees by the end of this century. We should be very, very concerned about instability that will be created by intense heat, water shortages and crop failures. We all want to know that our grandchildren will grow up in a stable and habitable world, but this climate crisis reaches well beyond self interest. This is, self-evidently, an issue which has injustice and inequality at its core, intersecting with every other part of our mission as Christian disciples, affecting first and catastrophically the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people. This is a bleak picture, my friends. And I paint it not to be alarmist, but to concentrate our minds. The Bible has much to say on God’s love for this world; on the responsibility God gives to human beings to care for nature; and on nature’s provision for human beings. And right now God’s people have a heck of a lot of work to do." A full transcript of the speech is available at

Care for Creation: The role of faith in creating change for the environment

The climate action work of the Church of England in the Thames Valley region features in an inspiring new documentary from Al Jazeera English to be broadcast on Friday 21 April at 21:30 hrs . With 85% of the world’s population belonging to a faith group, the earthrise series explores the role, power and commitment of faith, religion and spirituality in creating change for the environment and how these communities can work together on this common goal by taking action on climate change.

Care for Creation: Wilder Churches on BBC South Today

Britain is currently one of the most nature depleted countries in the world, so every extra opportunity we can give to wildlife is vital. If all of the 800+ Church of England churchyards and church gardens in the Diocese of Oxford provided some space for wildlife, that would create a great network of steppingstones for wildlife across the Thames Valley. That's why we're working with the Berks, Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust (BBOWT) to make the Wildlife Trust’s expertise available to churches to help them make the simple, beneficial changes needed. Together we’ve started Wilder Churches for our area. We have two completely free Wilder Churches training days this month and next month: they’re both going to be at St Michael and All Angel’s Church in Blewbury near Didcot, on Saturday April 29 and Saturday May 20, and I’m going to be giving people some expert advice on how you even get started with this kind of project – the things you need to think about, the tools and resources you might need and the sort of wildlife that you can help. There’s loads more information on our website, if people just go to If you can’t make those days we’ve also got a whole page on the website about Wilder Churches where people can find stories of what other churches have done and links to local church groups they can join: just Google the bbowt website and search for ‘Wilder Churches’. Also, Churches Count on Nature is coming up in June: this is an opportunity for communities to gather together to appreciate and record the wildlife in their churchyards. Look for information on the Caring for God’s Acre website. Botanical surveys in June will be easier if churches can leave an areas uncut during Plantlife’s No Mow May beforehand!

Come and See 2022 - Angeline, Leiola and Rachelle's story

Life can feel overwhelming. Things don’t always go the way we’d planned, and sometimes moving forward can be difficult. But you don’t need to face life alone. Faith can keep you going. Come and see...

Come and See 2022 - Dom and Katie

Discovering Jesus saved Dom's life. He then met Katie, an atheist, and, together they discovered the Christian faith afresh. This powerful Zoom testimony is the first in a series of 'Come and See' short testimony films from the Diocese of Oxford. Find out more at

Come and See 2022 - For the kingdom, the power and the glory

The Lord’s Prayer opens in praise of our father in heaven. It closes with a reminder – that our story, and the story of the world, will end in the glory and worship of God. Our purpose and our destiny is to know our maker and creator. There’s always more to come and see. We hope you enjoy the rest of the journey.

Come and See 2022 - Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us

Part of the mystery of being human is that we make mistakes - that the darkness in the universe flows through us all. In hard times, and those times when we're finding our way, the Lord's Prayer is a source of strength and courage – a reminder to bring our whole selves to God, good bits and bad. Revisit the journey so far at Our thanks to Edith Grindley from St Frideswide’s, Water Eaton, for the Lord's Prayer in British Sign Language.

Come and See 2022 - Give us today our daily bread

We are bombarded 24/7 by adverts with just one aim - to make us unhappy with what we have. Our relationship with stuff has gone badly wrong, and our greed is destroying this fragile planet. Six words contain the secret to happiness in a world in crisis – a prayer to shapes our hearts, to make us content with just enough. Give us today our daily bread. Find out more at

Come and See 2022 - Greg's story

Coming into middle age saw Greg wondering what life was all about. A simple invitation from a friend started him on a journey of faith. There were no big bolts of lightning – just the quiet hope of being part of something bigger. There is more to life than meets the eye. Come and see for yourself…

Come and See 2022 - Jim's story

There's a temptation when something feels familiar to take it for granted. But faith can surprise you, even 40 years down the line. Jim shares his story of exploring Christianity – a lifelong adventure in faith and trust. There’s always more to learn. Come and see.

Come and See 2022 - Matthew's story

Matthew was brought up in a Christian household, familiar with the rhymes and rhythms of attending church each week. But it wasn’t until he stepped out of the familiar that he found something he truly felt a part of. There is more to life than meets the eye. Come and see for yourself…

Come and See 2022 - Nour's story

Nour had heard people say that ‘Jesus died for her’. But that left her with one big question – why me? Finding the answer transformed her life. Nour’s testimony is the second film in the Come and See series of testimonies. Discover more at

Come and See 2022 - Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name

Soon we'll be able to see further out into space than ever before. But as we look further out, we can feel increasingly lost. What's our place in this ancient and expanding universe? Your life is not some kind of cosmic accident. You do have a place in this world. The first line of the Lord’s Prayer can help you find it. This is the first of the Come and See weekly films from Bishop Steven. It accompanies daily email reflections throughout Lent. See the journey so far and join us at

Come and See 2022 - The journey begins

Many people are asking deep questions of faith. “Come and See” is for anyone who feels adrift in this pandemic, whether or not they know anything about the Christian faith. This short film introduces the Come and See initiative. Visit to register your interest.

Come and See 2022 - Your kingdom come, Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven

Every day the news reminds us of the threads of evil in the world. But the difficult things in life are not the end of the story. The second line of the Lord’s Prayer is our commitment to being part of the solution – a pledge to play a role, however small, in the mission of God’s kingdom. Catch up on the journey so far at

Come and See 2023 - Carol's story

Coming back to faith gave Carol a rock to stand on when ill health turned her world around. An invitation to Come and See online made all the difference. Come and see for yourself what faith has to offer.