Continuing Ministerial Development

Lightbulb with complex coloured cogs

"Ministry development is an integral part of our growth in discipleship, for which we are all accountable to one another and to God." 

Bishop Steven

The Diocese of Oxford supports the continuing ministerial development (CMD) of all its licenced clergy and LLMs (Readers). All full-time ministers are encouraged to set aside at least 5 days (pro-rata) for their personal ministerial development each year. They are encouraged to take a retreat each year as well. The members of the CMD team are available to discuss CMD needs with individual clergy and LLMs when contacted. Included in the diocesan provision for CMD are:

  • A programme of events hosted by the diocese;
  • A resource library of past CMD events hosted by the diocese;
  • Signposting to events and learning opportunities offered by trusted partner organisations;
  • Information about taking an annual retreat;
  • Funding (£250 per annum) offered by the diocese and links to other grant making bodies which support CMD;
  • Learning opportunities in times of transition (see below)
New incumbents
Soon after taking up a post of first responsibility, clergy will receive an invitation from their area bishop to attend a year-long Flourishing in your New Role (FNR) programme. of learning and development. The programme aims to provide a setting for learning and development alongside your peers from elsewhere in the diocese. It offers opportunities to reflect on your new context and how you will inhabit your new role. The programme is currently under review. Please contact your Parish Development Adviser for details.
Experienced priests
Taking up a new role are offered the opportunity to attend a 48-hour residential New Posts Consultation run by the South Central Regional Training Partnership. During the consultation you will;
  • reflect in small peer groups on the key features of your new context;
  • identify the challenges and opportunities;
  • think about your plans for the future.

Please speak to your Parish Development Adviser if you would be interested in attending a New Posts Consultation.

Area Deans
Area Deans who are new in post will be invited to join an initial training course run through the South Central Regional Training Partnership. The diocese also offers a rolling programme of learning and development for all area deans and associate area deans. Topics covered within the programme are: coaching and mentoring, conflict resolution, guidance in approaching pastoral reorganisation and in allocating the deanery share..
From the age of 62, clergy and their spouses are invited to a pre-retirement residential. As well as the practical issues of housing, pensions and health and well-being, this focuses on the shape of our continuing discipleship in retirement.

Upcoming events

The CMD Team

Revd Dr Andy Angel

Director of Formation in Ministry


Revd Gill Lovell

CMD Adviser


07391 416 089


Navita Pereira

CMD Administrator



In this section...

Ministry Accompaniment

Information about the diocese's network of ministry accompaniers.

CMD events 

Continuing Ministerial Development (CMD) events in the diocese.


Information about grants for Continuing Ministerial Development.


Contact details and funding information for retreat centres within and outside of the diocese.

Sabbaticals & Study Leave

Information about sabbaticals and study leave for licensed clergy and Licensed Lay Ministers.

New incumbents

Guidance for new incumbants and details of the induction programme.


Resources for developing leadership skills.

Page last updated: Tuesday 4th February 2025 7:19 PM
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