Parish links

Maipo, Tanzania, 7th June 2019: maasai people reading a Bible and sing to worship God

Around the diocese, people are connecting with believers in other parts of the world.

Together we are working out how, as the Body of Christ, we can learn from each other and support each other in our walk of faith.


In this map, you can see where parishes' links are located around the world. Click on the marker to see the name of the links. Red markers indicate Kimberley and Kuruman links, green markers indicate Växjö links, blue markers indicate independent links. 

Parish connections

The links mentioned above are formal partnerships - but many parishes also have a multitude of informal connections through parishioners and their families and colleagues. Some churches have found it helpful to make a map of these connections, asking people to write down the names and locations of Christians around the world with whom they are contact, and then placing these on a map.

Once you've mapped out where the connections are, you can think about how you might draw on the experiences and wisdom of the people involved to enrich your own mission.


The Warfield Church has several mission partners. Among them are Milan and Shusma Adhikari, of the Aanandit Charity Centre in Nepal. 

Warfield has supported Milan and Shusma for many years. They are involved in various community projects, through their Charity Centre, microcredit projects and outreach into the community. You can find out more about them online, either through their website or on Facebook

Networking and resources

Would you be interested in meeting up with other churches that have independent links - whether in the same region as yours or from around the world? Contact us to find out about potential networking events. 

We also have a library of books about mission, which may be of interest. 

Page last updated: Sunday 23rd January 2022 3:40 PM

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