Mission studies

All Nations

"All Nations' purpose is to train and equip men and women for effective participation in God's mission to his multi-cultural world." 

The college offers long and short courses, online and residential, as well as retreats and resources for home study. Their site also has a blog with posts on a variety of missional concerns.

British and Irish Association for Practical Theology - Mission Studies Group

"The Mission Studies special interest group [of BIAPT] exists to network together anyone with an interest in the study of mission in a practical theology environment. We address major issues in contemporary mission and provide a forum for discussion, challenge and collaboration on responses to those issues. We offer annual day conferences and members can offer papers sharing their research and insights there or at the annual conference."

Their latest conference (May 2021) was Mission, Race and Colonialism.

Oxford Centre for Mission Studies

"OCMS is an independent Christian charity, based in the beautiful and ancient city of learning in Oxford, England. Truly international in its leadership, fully inter­denomina­tional in its reach, and deeply evangelical from its roots to its mission, OCMS brings the world’s church together under one roof to research, reflect and respond to challenges faced across cultures and in the varying economic, social and political contexts in which Christians operate."  

Pioneer Mission Leadership Training (at CMS) 

Are you interested in exploring mission in new and creative ways, but drawing on a wealth of mission experience? CMS offers pioneer mission training, with a variety of options - from certificates to PhDs. These include an MA in theology, ministry and mission, which has several routes including an African diaspora.

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Page last updated: Friday 28th January 2022 2:34 PM

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