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Church and community projects awarded over £198k

First published on: 27th April 2023

13 parishes, across the Thames Valley, have been awarded grants to support a range of local church and community projects.

Contemplative practices for families help nurture everyday faith

First published on: 24th April 2023

The Diocese of Oxford launches a brand-new contemplation and reflection resource for families with young children to enjoy exploring and journeying together in faith. 

How Village Churches Thrive

First published on: 11th April 2023

The Revd Charles Chadwick reflects on a rural series studying the practical guide How Village Churches Thrive, ahead of this year's rural lecture.

Chinnor Churches Go Wild

First published on: 4th April 2023

Churches in the village of Chinnor, in Oxfordshire, are joined in a commitment to caring for God’s creation and the natural world.

Diocesan Synod: working together for the renewal of the Earth

First published on: 30th March 2023

The March meeting of Oxford Diocesan Synod took time to consider care for creation and the many different strands of work now underway, and our New Congregations programme.

Celebrating and equipping church ministry with pre-schoolers

First published on: 28th March 2023

Over 30 people gathered on Saturday 25 March for a day of shared learning about foundations for life and faith in early years.

Ecumenical youth work

First published on: 6th March 2023

In South Oxfordshire, six local churches have formed an ecumenical partnership to develop work with, and among, the young people in Didcot, Harwell, Chilton, and the surrounding areas.

Tree planting in Greenham

First published on: 1st March 2023

Over 300 trees have been planted at St Mary’s Church, in Greenham, Newbury, as part of a project to redevelop the churchyard for the community. 

Planting Hong Kong congregations

First published on: 27th February 2023

Trinity Church has seen itself grow from 120 people to just over 450 in just 10 months through a partnership with the local Hong Kong community.

Encountering God through creation

First published on: 13th February 2023

Bicester Forest Church group seeks to encounter more of God through his creation.

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