Parish returns

Everything you need to know about parish returns for mission and finance

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Why they matter

Every year your church is asked to complete returns about membership, attendance, church finances and energy footprint, and to answer questions on the Archdeacons’ Articles of Enquiry’ 

It is not uncommon for me to hear churchwardens or treasurers say, ‘We send all this information, but what benefit do we receive?’ Below, we share how completing the Returns for Mission and Finance benefits every level of the life of the Church - local, deanery, diocese and national.

The diocesan and national perspective

The mission and finance statistics paint a picture of our common life across the country and helps identify trends and spot mission opportunities. They make it possible to plan in terms of clergy deployment. The financial figures indicate the church’s finances at the grassroots.

One practical example is where this information has helped us lobby the government, but this is only possible if we have an accurate picture of the pressures at the local level. As a diocese, the returns from parishes are vital for planning for our shared mission and ministry and robust data is essential if our Bishop’s Council and deaneries are to make good decisions about how the church uses its resources.

The data gathered in the Energy Footprint Tool is used nationally to establish the Church's carbon baseline and monitor progress, locally it can be used so that you can track the impact of the steps you are taking to reduce your own church's emissions and at a diocesan level it helps us to:

  • Spot churches which have issues with thier heating systems
  • identify which churches would particularly benefi tfrom an energy audit
  • Discover examples of good practice to share
The local perspective - what’s in it for us?

Have you seen your benefice or parish dashboard? Every year, the national team take your data and produce these dashboards for mission and finance which are there to help you answer important questions about your parish or benefice: who lives here, who comes to church and who are we missing or not meeting?

The dashboard gives an important snapshot and so can inform your mission and outreach opportunities. This enables church growth.

How to submit your Parish Return

Wherever possible, please complete your return online using the National Church’s Online Parish Returns System.

Where do I go for help if I’m stuck?

Please don’t give up! If you’re new to this, need login assistance or have general queries please contact the Diocesan Parish Returns Team either by email or call 01865 208 200. You might find our FAQs section helpful as a first port of call. A guide to your Parish Dashboard is also available.

If you encounter technical issues with the website you can also contact the National Church's Statistics Unit via email and they will be able to assist with these problems.

When is the information required?

Statistics for mission return

The full 2024 return is now available to complete. Please submit by 31 January.

We know that a few churches are unable to use the online system. If so, please complete and submit a paper form. Paper forms should be sent to:
Department for Mission and Ministry, Church House Oxford, Langford Locks, Kidlington, Oxford, OX5 1GF.  Alternatively, email your completed form to

Word | PDF

Archdeacons' Articles of Enquiry

Submissions for the 2025 Archdeacons’ Articles of Enquiry are now open, and will close on 21 April 2025. You can view the questions below:

Word | PDF

Parish finance return

The deadline for submitting your 2024 Parish Finance Return is 28th June 2025. If it's helpful to collect the figures on a paper form before you enter it online, you can download the form below. If you are unable to use the National Church’s Online Parish Returns System please send your completed form to to be entered on your behalf.

2024 Return of Parish Finance form

Energy footprint tool

The deadline for submitting your 2023 Energy Footprint Tool has now passed.

Helpful documents

You can download the user guide which explains how to use the Online Parish Returns system. You may also find it helpful to complete either a PDF or Excel version of the Returns form before you enter the information online (or, alternatively, submit completed versions of these downloads to the Parish Returns team. However, please do endeavour to use the online system wherever possible).

The user guide and forms are below, click the + sign to expand the list. Each form includes helpful notes which outline exactly what data is required.

2024 documents

More information

Hints and tips

Hints and tips to help you complete your online return form


Answers to frequently asked questions regarding parish returns for mission and finance.

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