This is a text-only version of an article first published on Wednesday, 15 May 2019. Information shown on this page may no longer be current.
ALMOST 50 holiday clubs gave children the chance to have fun and learn about the Christian faith at churches in Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire over the summer holidays.
Knights and castles was the theme of a club at St Mary's, Charlbury, west Oxfordshire during the first week in August.
The club, organised by Churches Together in Charlbury, saw St Mary's converted into a castle using a huge amount of cardboard donated by the community.
Around 70 children took part.
In Eynsham, also in Oxfordshire, a holiday club run by churches had not taken place for 15 years until it began again last year.
More than 50 children attended "Maker Fun Factory" in the mornings of the first week of the school holidays. A team of 30 teenagers, sixth formers, students, teachers and seniors was drawn from Anglican, Baptist and Catholic Churches in the benefice which covers two villages.
On arrival children passed through a 'car-wash' with bubbles.
An 'assembly' with songs started the mornings off.
Each day had a bible memory verse, illustrated in twenty minute sessions of games, a craft imagination station, homemade snacks, a video and dramatic retelling of bible stories such as the spies in Jericho, and Gideon and the 300.
Crews won points for effort, noise, memory, saying 'thank you', original handshakes and winning races.