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60 new people join Diocesan Synod

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This is a text-only version of an article first published on Monday, 10 September 2018. Information shown on this page may no longer be current.

A diocesan synod meeting MORE than 60 new people have been elected to Diocesan Synod - the governing body of the Diocese of Oxford. The new members are lay people and clergy who have been elected to the synod, which meets three times a year - usually on a Saturday - to discuss issues facing the Church and to share their experience. The Rt Revd Steven Croft, the Bishop of Oxford, said: "This is a great moment for anyone wanting to see the Church respond to the challenges that face us all.

The start of a new triennium (new members are elected every three years) aligns with the next stages of the Common Vision process as we journey towards a more Christ-like Church… the best Church we can be for this generation. "Contact details for synod members will be available on the diocesan website in September.

Keep up with the work of Diocesan Synod here.

Page last updated: Monday 10th September 2018 12:00 AM
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