This is a text-only version of an article first published on Wednesday, 9 July 2014. Information shown on this page may no longer be current.
The death has been announced of the Rt Revd John Bone, a former Bishop of Reading. Bishop John Bone was 83.
He was Bishop of Reading from 1989-1996 before his retirement.
He served much of his ministry in the Diocese of Oxford, and had also been Archdeacon of Buckingham.
He and his wife Ruth had recently celebrated their 60th anniversary. The Bishop of Oxford said: "John Bone was a much loved elder statesman in the Diocese of Oxford.
He had served the diocese since coming to Henley as a curate in 1960, and was much loved and respected wherever he went, especially in Buckinghamshire where he was Archdeacon, and Berkshire where he was Area Bishop of Reading."He loved his Lord, his diocese and the opportunity to serve others even in retirement, and was a wise friend and confidant of more people than anyone will ever know - except Ruth, who was his constant companion and inspiration."John faced his final illness with realism, faith and courage.
No doubt the trumpets will undoubtedly be sounding on the other side."Update: Bishop John Bone's funeral will be held at Reading Minster on 25 July 2014 at 14. 00.
There will be a Requiem Mass at which Sr Margaret Anne will preside and +Richard Harries will preach.