This is a text-only version of an article first published on Thursday, 4 February 2016. Information shown on this page may no longer be current.
The Bishop of Reading, the Rt Revd Andrew Proud, said: "I have just heard the news that the Revd Peter Jarvis has pleaded guilty to the case against him.
These are serious sexual offences and we are profoundly shocked and saddened. "The Diocese of Oxford takes safeguarding, especially of children, young people, and vulnerable adults very seriously.
We expect the highest standards of conduct from all of our clergy. "When this case came to light we immediately contacted the statutory authorities.
Since then we have worked closely with the police and local authority colleagues and will continue to do so until Mr Jarvis's sentencing next month. "As soon as the allegations were made, Mr Jarvis stood down from his duties, as is our policy.
Clearly in light of the guilty plea we will now be initiating the Church of England's disciplinary process. "This case has been protracted and distressing for everyone affected.
All those involved are in my thoughts and prayers. "For more information, contact Sarah Meyrick 07824 906839 ;