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Celebrating 30 years of women as priests

March 2024 marks the 30th anniversary of women ordained as priests in the Church of England. The Ven Christine Allsopp was one of the first women ordained in the diocese at Reading Minster. 

She recalls the day: “It was fantastic. When we arrived all the bells were ringing because the bell ringers from the churches we had served were all there. The whole service was special, having hands laid on us. 

“To me, one of the highlights was a member of the congregation who had spoken against women’s ordination. At the end of the service she was waiting at the door to greet us and congratulate us. It was beautiful really.”

Chris started on the path to ministry following a conversation with her vicar, even though becoming a priest wasn’t yet possible she felt that was what she was called to do. She began training for ordination in 1986 and served as a deacon for five years before the vote was passed. 

She added: “For me although I had felt God was calling me and other people agreed they felt God was calling me this was the final moment when the church was saying yes you are called to be a priest. That was very important that the church was saying yes you are called, it was that final approval even though we had people who were not happy.

“It has been a very satisfying time. Wherever I have been, I have been the first woman priest, or archdeacon so that has been very satisfying to see more women being appointed to senior positions.”

Chris continued in ministry until 2013, serving in Caversham, Bracknell and Alderbury. But she continues a busy retirement in Lambourn benefice, where she lives.

Next month, Chris will be preaching at a celebration service at Christ Church Cathedral on 28 April, at 2.30pm. 
She said: “It is great to be able to celebrate and to give thanks for all those people who campaigned to make it happen. I will be talking about Mary Magdalene, the first witness to the resurrection. She was the first person who Jesus told to go share the good news with his disciples. I will be reflecting on that and other women in the Bible, who were even then in leadership roles.”

Chris is pictured at her ordination in 1994 with the Bishop of Reading, Rt Revd John Bone. 

Find out more about the celebration service and register your attendance.

Page last updated: Monday 17th June 2024 3:55 PM
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