This is a text-only version of an article first published on Wednesday, 15 June 2016. Information shown on this page may no longer be current.
PRESS RELEASE9/1/2015THE Oxford Academy is celebrating the New Year with an OFSTED report that is an official record of improvements at the school in Littlemore, Oxford. Behaviour and safety of pupils has been classed as good and the Ofsted report notes that staff and students say that they welcome the unrelenting efforts of the new principal, Niall McWilliams, to ensure that every student is valued and their needs are met, whatever their background or ability. Niall joined the Academy in Easter 2014 while it was still in Special Measures.
While he is aware that there is still a lot of hard work to be done, he was delighted that Ofsted had recognised the work that is being done to turn the school, which is sponsored by the Oxford Diocese, Oxford Brookes University, and the Beecroft Foundation, around. Niall said: "We are delighted that Ofsted have recognised the improvements that have taken place at The Oxford Academy. We are determined that we continue to improve and ensure our students have the best start in life. "Among their findings, the inspectors noted that smaller group sizes for English, maths and science had a positive effect on the rate of progress, which is increasing and that the academy has positive relationships with parents. They stated: "Their opinions are collected regularly at parents' evenings, with the vast majority responding that they are happy with the academy's provision. Parents are very confident that the academy will deal with their concerns, that their children are safe, and that students make good progress. "John Putt, Chair of Governors, said: "I am delighted that The Oxford Academy has taken the most important first step to becoming an outstanding school.
The team have worked very hard and deserve this recognition.
It is the first step on a very long journey to excellence.
We still have a long way to go but I am now sure that we have both the skills and above all the determination to succeed"Anne Davey, Director of Education for the Diocese of Oxford, said: "I am very aware that students, staff, parents and Governors have worked very hard to get this far and I am delighted that OFSTED has recognised is making progress.
The Diocese will continue to support the school in making further improvements. " EndsFor more information contact Jo Duckles on 01865 208227 or 07880 716761.