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Church delivers its 200,000th meal for those in need

Set up in the pandemic to ensure exhausted medical staff had a decent meal at the end of a long day, Meals from Marlow has served its 200,000th meal.

Now in its fourth year, more than £420,000 has been raised to continue the charity’s work, which continues to be supported by its founders Tom Kerridge, Andy Agar, Chris Hughes and All Saints Marlow.

The Revd Dave Bull explained: “Originally, the church community stepped up to deliver the meals to families in need around Marlow. Now we manage the day-to-day operation of the service which, sadly, is still well-used by people who would not otherwise have a hot meal.”

The town’s popular Pub In the Park festival raised in the region of £50,000 this year to fund the next year’s operating costs. In addition to that, a partnership with food store chain COOK has secured thousands of meals at a generous discount for the church’s volunteers to distribute.

To refer someone to receive a meal, or to volunteer email the team. Deliveries are managed by Muriel Reynolds, pictured left, and Alison Branch, and go out every Wednesday and Saturday.

Read more about how your church could make a difference to people living in your community and struggling with the cost-of-living crisis

Page last updated: Thursday 13th June 2024 1:11 PM
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