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Congratulations on 20 years of service

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This is a text-only version of an article first published on Thursday, 31 March 2016. Information shown on this page may no longer be current.

FLOWERS were presented to Rosemary Prior, who will be 90 this year and has recently stood down after 20 years as Secretary to the Didcot branch of the St John's Guild. The guild is an Anglican society which gives practical and spiritual support to people who are blind or partially sighted, and their friends.

The Didcot Branch started in 1980 and Rosemary has been a member since 1987. For the last 20 years she has been the secretary and although she stood down at the recent AGM she is still an active member of the group. The Revd Josie Midwinter, Chaplain and Chairman, said: "All the members thankedRosemary for her faithful service over the years.

She will be 90 later this year so she took on the job when she was 70 - so you are never too old to get involved. "The Guild meets once a month at St Peter's Church, Didcot and is always ready to welcome new members.

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