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Fire juggler launches 150th anniversary celebrations

A fire juggler helped to launch the 150th anniversary celebrations at St Laurence’s church in Caversfield, Bicester. The performer was part of the Pentecost all-age service which is part of the programme of outdoor services during the summer months.

This year marks 150 years since the church was re-ordered in 1874 and celebrates the legacy of worship on the site which dates back more than 1,000 years. In the coming months there will be a live performance of Mark’s Gospel, I am Mark, as well as open day for visitors to see the history of the church, including the Saxon stonework at the base of the tower, and a bat walk and talk in the autumn.

The Revd Peter Wright said: “Our church mission is worship, wildlife and welcome and we are excited to share our beautiful church with the community. St Laurence’s has a distinct character because of its location and longevity and a lot of visitors just come to experience the atmosphere of the place.”

As well as celebrating this milestone, deputy churchwardens Tina Shaw and Peter Bourton have been leading a team of volunteers to help with the ongoing refurbishment of the church. They have taken a staged approach and are fundraising for smaller parts of the project as they go. So far the churchyard has been reclaimed and developed into a green space which is now home to several rare species of plants and animals. 

The next step will be the refurbishment of the church windows for which they hope to recruit a sponsor for each window. 
During the last 10-15 years the church has enjoyed a resurgence in worship and engagement in the community. 

Peter added: “We have a very strong environment link which the whole community. What started as a small band of volunteers determined to get the church in good shape, has allowed the church to grow again in more ways than one.”

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