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Former Archbishop speaks to chaplains

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This is a text-only version of an article first published on Thursday, 4 December 2014. Information shown on this page may no longer be current.

Dr Williams in 2011 The former Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Revd Dr Rowan Williams, will be a keynote speaker at a conference in Crowthorne next week. The day conference, which is taking place at Wellington College, is for chaplains in sector ministry.

Those attending, who number more than 60, work in a range of roles across the Thames Valley including schools, hospitals, universities and prisons. The chaplains will be welcomed by the Master of Wellington, Dr Anthony Seldon, and the school's own chaplain, the Revd Tim Novis. The keynote address - titled 'On the Edge or at the Centre' - will be given by Dr Williams, now Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge, who will reflect on the place of chaplaincy in society. The Ven.

Martin Gorick, Archdeacon of Oxford, who is organising the conference, said:"I'm delighted that Rowan Williams is coming to join with the chaplains of Oxford Diocese at our day conference.

Dr Williams was, in a sense, 'Chaplain to the Nation' whilst Archbishop of Canterbury, and will have many insights to share, I'm sure. "Wellington College, with their Chaplain Tim Novis, are hosting us and its wonderful opportunity for our hospital, school, police, military, prison, university and military chaplains to come together for once and learn from one another.

Chaplains reach the parts of the nation that traditional parish ministry doesn't reach and are invaluable front line ministers for the Church in England. "For more information contact Sarah Meyrick on 07824 906839.

Page last updated: Thursday 4th December 2014 12:00 AM
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