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An illuminating partnership in Wexham

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This is a text-only version of an article first published on Tuesday, 30 April 2019. Information shown on this page may no longer be current.

A PARTNERSHIP design and technology project between a school and a church has produced illuminating results.

Students, teachers and clergy at the unveiling of the cross.

Dane Haverley A cross that is now hung in St Mary's, Wexham, was recently designed and produced by students from Wexham School Sports College , nearby. "It had been on my mind for a long time that we didn't have a Christian symbol in the hall," said the Revd Mary Kent, the priest-in-charge at St Mary's.

"I took it to the PCC and they agreed so I approached the school.

The teacher thought it was a wonderful thing to do. "Pupils, dressed in business suits, visited the hall with the school's head of technology, Brett Pearson.

They took measurements and listened to what the PCC wanted as a piece of symbolism. Using craft and technology skills, those who wished produced designs which were taken back to the PCC so members could decide which one they wanted. "We chose a plain cross with a nice bevel on it.

They went away and made it and gave it to us towards the end of last term.

With the lighting they put around the back of it, it looks amazing because of the way the shadows fall.

No one could have planned for that," added Mary.

"It's been great for building relationships with the school too. "Lawrence Smith, headteacher at Wexham Park, said: "I was delighted when we were asked if we would like to design and make a symbol for the church hall. The students and teacher put a number of designs together and the favoured one was actually a collaboration between the students and Brett himself.

It has provided my students with an opportunity to design and create something special and we are thrilled that the Revd Mary Kent is really happy with it.

Hopefully further projects can follow on in the future. "

Page last updated: Tuesday 30th April 2019 12:00 AM
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