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Inspiring community rally for church repairs

Villagers in Church Hanborough were so determined not to see their beloved church closed on safety grounds, that they raised the funds needed for repairs before the appeal had been officially launched!

St Peter and St Paul’s church PCC received the news that vital works were needed on the 143-foot spire before it deteriorated to the point the church would need to close. The spire, which dates back to the middle ages with extensive work by the Victorians, has reached the end of its natural life and the top third now needs to be rebuilt.

Rector Revd Steve Stewart formed a small committee, made up of the two church wardens and two more people who had a keen interest in the church, and they set about making plans to raise the up to £500,000 needed. 

He said: “In 40 years of church leadership roles and countless fundraising church projects, this is almost surreal. I’ve never experienced anything like this. I was worried we’d have to juggle our budget and cut other things to pay for the spire and now we don’t have to make those decisions.”

An email newsletter and leaflet drop throughout the village drummed up support and before the campaign could go public properly, £420,000 had been raised. The committee are optimistic the remaining £80,000 can be found with match funding from heritage bodies now the bulk of the funds have been found. 

Bishop Gavin said: “This is very good and impressive news indeed. Praise God and hugely well done to the fundraising team. Truly a great case of ‘Before you call, I will answer!’”

The aim is for the works on the Grade I listed building to be complete within the next two years, to keep the church open and at the centre of village worship.

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Page last updated: Wednesday 10th July 2024 6:33 PM
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