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You Were Born to Fly: You Weren't Born to Die

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This is a text-only version of an article first published on Friday, 7 May 2021. Information shown on this page may no longer be current.


Diocese of Oxford and Reading Football Club Community Trust sponsor music video highlighting the recent rise in serious knife crime incidents across Reading

A music video filmed and produced in Reading for Redeeming Our Communities' ( ROC ) No More Knives initiative has been released with support from the Diocese of Oxford, Reading Football Community Trust and the Thames Valley Police, highlighting the difficulties and effects of knife crime on young people and offering the positive message that everyone has a chance to live for more since they were born to fly.

A growing problem

Shocking statistics show that in the last 12 months across the Thames Valley Police Area 593 knife/weapons offences involving young people under 25 years old were recorded: 62 of the offences were carried out in Reading.

Tragically, a number of these resulted in fatalities - young people carrying knives across the UK and in Reading is a growing problem that cannot be ignored. Speaking about the video, the Rt Revd Olivia Graham, Bishop of Reading, said,

"Many of our young people live in fear of becoming a victim of knife crime.

We have to ask ourselves why our young people are carrying knives.

What is it telling us about ourselves and our society?

This powerful song, which we were delighted to help fund, carries a powerful message that we are all born for greater things.

It deserves to be seen widely, so please do share it in with your congregation and local community."

Sparking a movement

Musician Josh Green who wrote, recorded and produced the track said,

"This video was filmed and recorded in Reading in response to a recent rise in the number of serious knife crime incidents that have wrought havoc on the community - knife crime doesn't just affect the victim; it has a ripple affect that can be felt for years to come. "We hope that this video will serve as an inspiration and encouragement to the people of Reading that life is valuable and that young people can choose to make positive choices with their lives.

It is our hope that this message will spark a movement in the UK of young people rising up to take a stand for life."

You can get involved in the No More Knives movement by emailing

Most young people decide they need to start carrying a knife because they feel threatened.

Signs they are feeling this way include absence from school, bullying or mugging, and a change in friendship group or clothes.

If you are worried about a child, and the Ben Kinsella Trust have a wealth of information to support you and your young person.


Page last updated: Monday 22nd August 2022 8:57 AM
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