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More than 4,000 people flock to Witney Food Festival

Archive content
This is a text-only version of an article first published on Monday, 10 June 2013. Information shown on this page may no longer be current.

The one word that keeps being used by everyone that visited the First Witney Festival of Food and Drink on 18th May in St.

Marys Church, Witney is 'Fantastic'.

A dedicated and energetic team organised the event in just a few months.

Around 4,000 people came through the gates to visit the 40 stall holders, food demonstrators, those giving talks, and were inspired and motivated by Alexander Armstrong, the presenter and comedian who came to open the Festival.

He said: "I am thrilled to have been involved in the first Witney Festival of Food and Drink, and to have witnessed the huge number of inspirational food growers, rearers, curers, producers and of course preparers that are now flourishing in our area. It's good for the soul to see local food so enthusiastically embraced at the heart of the community.

Here's too many more!"It was so incredibly busy that stall holders were selling out of produce and having to send out for more, some having bought two to three times more than they thought they would need.

But most of all it was so good to see so many local people and those from further afield, enjoying the wonderful atmosphere within the church and its surroundings and such a positive response from the local community.

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