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New book tells of vicar's 37 years in a Berkshire parish

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This is a text-only version of an article first published on Thursday, 19 November 2015. Information shown on this page may no longer be current.

THE story of one priest's 37 year's service in the Thames-side parish of Wargrave is told in a new book out today. Lost and Found in the Pulpit by The Revd Canon John Ratings, who died last year aged 77, gives an insight into the life and work of a parish priest.

Births, marriages and deaths were the stuff of his everyday ministry, but he was known throughout the area as someone who never passed up an opportunity to be controversial. "John's length of service made such controversies inevitable - whether it was selling off land earmarked for a graveyard or challenging the local British Legion about the way the annual Remembrance Day was marked," says his wife Barbara, who through the expert skill of her editor Sally Gray from Bound Biographies has brought together her husband's writings.

One obituary commented that 'whilst being outspoken he could be tactful' and I reckon that this new book really does tell the story of a man who was dedicated to the local community and who touched many people's lives.

It wasn't just the church people; he was everyone's vicar, whether they attended church or not.

Some of the names mentioned are quite famous; such is the nature of this particular village. Priced £10 Lost and Found in the Pulpit by The Revd Canon John Ratings is available locally from The Bell Bookshop, Henley; Victoria News, Wargrave and Newberry's, Twyford at £10.

For sent copies contact Barbara Ratings on 0118 940 1363 cost £10 - plus £x p&p.

Barbara is donating any profits to the 21st Century Appeal at St Mary's, Wargrave.

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Page last updated: Thursday 19th November 2015 12:00 AM
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