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New dates for the Archdeacon of Dorchester's visitations

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This is a text-only version of an article first published on Monday, 13 June 2016. Information shown on this page may no longer be current.

THE Henley Visitation which had to be cancelled has been rearranged and two extra Visitations will be held in the Aston and Cuddesdon Deanery.

Church wardens from Henley should contact Tanis Brookes tanis. brookes@oxford. anglican. org if they plan to attend.

Those from Aston and Cuddesdon should contact Janet Pickard office@stmarys. psa-online. com The new dates are as follows: 29 th June, 7. 30pm at Thame, St Mary's 30 th June, 7. 30pm at St Leonard's, Watlington 21 st July, 7. 30pm at Henley, St Mary's

Page last updated: Tuesday 20th June 2023 9:41 AM
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