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New directors apppointed to diocese team

A Director of Finance and a Director of Communications have been appointed at the Diocese of Oxford.

Andrew Green and Jane Appleton will take up the positions of Director of Finance and Director of Communications, respectively.
Andrew, who joined the diocese earlier this week, brings with him 25 years’ experience in healthcare, working with clinical research organisations on drug development. He has worked as a qualified auditor and in markets around the world including Europe, South Africa and India. 

Andrew said: “I would like to emphasise the human face of finance. I come from a background of volunteering in church, everything from children’s work to prayer ministry and lay leadership during vacancy. I know what it means to be a volunteer and what I am excited about is working not only with the church organisation but also the huge number of volunteers we have.”

Andrew attends church at Warfield and Binfield and lives in Berkshire with his wife, two daughters and West Highland terrier.

Director of Communications Jane Appleton will take up her role on 7 October. She has more than 40 years’ experience in communications, engagement and involvement roles, working across Europe and the US in the early part of her career. Her last 21 years have been as a communications leader in the NHS in the south of England.

Her strong sense of mission was fostered during her work with three NHS mental health trusts, where safeguarding, work with children and young people, and supporting people through challenging times have provided great challenge and great reward. 

Jane said: “I am humbled to take on a role combining my professional career and my faith. I am very excited for this opportunity and the chance to be part of the Diocese’s work to support parishes with their vital work.”

Jane lives and worships as part of the Benson and Ewelme parish, where she also enjoys spending time outdoors in nature, and supporting local learning disability and mental health charities. 

Diocesan Secretary Mark Humphriss added: “Andrew and Jane were the standout candidates during each recruitment process. Both will be strong additions to our senior leadership team, to lead their respective departments, and to provide excellent support to our parishes, schools and chaplaincies.”

Page last updated: Thursday 5th September 2024 8:43 AM
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