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New Holy Habits resources for churches

Archive content
This is a text-only version of an article first published on Tuesday, 19 March 2019. Information shown on this page may no longer be current.

"Endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us." That is the start of a prayer from Romans 5vs:4-5 at the start of the new Holy habits discipleship series published by the Bible Reading Fellowship.

Holy Habits has grown out of a study of Acts 2: 42-47 by Methodist minister Andrew Roberts.

That study was published in the Epworth Review theological journal in 2009 and then evolved in a book, Holy Habits, (Malcolm Down Publishing, 2016. )Watch Andrew talk about Holy Habits here.

Since these have been developed into resources by the Birmingham Methodist Circuit, and adapted by the Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church to a version that is new for 2018.

With a rich variety of contributors, the 10 booklets in the series look at 10 habits and encourage the development of a way of life formed by them.

The titles include Fellowship, Biblical Teaching, Gladness and Generosity and Prayer. The aim is to help church members explore together these habits in a range of contexts and live them out in whole-life, missional discipleship.

Page last updated: Tuesday 8th February 2022 1:30 PM
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