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Falcons return to holy site to raise young

Four peregrine chicks have fledged from a nest perched atop a High Wycombe church tower. 

The falcons have returned to the site at All Saints for the past four years to raise their young and, to date, have produced 10 offspring.

In 2022, the Buckinghamshire Bird Club, supported by tower captains Tricia and Robert Newton, installed a temporary nesting box out of the prevailing wind and providing protection from the bright sunshine. 

New for this year, the church set up a livestream where you can watch the falcon chicks’ progress. The birds have stayed in the area since leaving the nest so you may be lucky and catch a glimpse of them. 

Find out how you could encourage wildlife to share your churchyard.

Page last updated: Thursday 13th June 2024 1:52 PM
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