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Oxford University General Synod Constituency

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This is a text-only version of an article first published on Wednesday, 1 July 2015. Information shown on this page may no longer be current.

For many years, Oxford University has had a dedicated General Synod Constituency, and has been able to elect its own member of the General Synod. This Constituency has now been amended very considerably, and you will find guidance notes to apply to vote and/or to stand for election in the new Universities and Theological Education Institutions Constituency on the General Synod website, through this hyperlink: https://www. churchofengland. org/about-us/structure/general-synod/synod-elections-2015. aspx . Please note that the qualifications for voting and election are very different to what they have been in the past. If you want to vote in this Constituency, you need to apply soon, and no later than 20 July 2015 (see the website for details). Those who are included in that Constituency will not be eligible to vote in the Diocesan Constituency. Please note that applications are not to be made to me as Presiding Officer for the Diocesan Constituency but to Mr Stephen Slack as Presiding Officer for the UTEI Constituency.

I am drawing this to your attention because there has always been confusion about voting rights and eligibility in relation to the University Constituency, and this change (though beneficial in general terms) is likely to complicate things further this year. John ReesDiocesan Registrar Presiding Officer for the Diocesan Constituency

Page last updated: Wednesday 1st July 2015 12:00 AM
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