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Peace garden at Dr South's

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This is a text-only version of an article first published on Monday, 10 April 2017. Information shown on this page may no longer be current.


A NEW peace garden and sparkling refurbished buildings at Dr South's CE Primary School have been officially opened by Bishop John. Huw Morgan, headteacher said all four classrooms and the toilets had been refurbished.

He said: "As part of the distinctiveness of being a church school, we wanted to give the children somewhere where they could reflect and be quiet. The children came up with plans and suggestions for what they wanted in the area, and two parents at the school who are gardeners are giving up masses of time."

Older children are writing a prayer book and younger pupils are making prayer flags that can wave in the wind and take their thoughts to God.

Page last updated: Tuesday 15th February 2022 4:06 PM
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