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Pedal pilgrimage raises funds for church and school

Two intrepid (and fit!) members of the diocese joined the bi-annual fundraising cycle from Westminster to Islip on Sunday. Bishop Gavin and our Finance Director John Orridge hit the saddle to tackle the Islip Big Bike and raise funds for St Nicholas church, Islip, and local school, Dr South’s CofE Primary.

The ride, which has taken place every two years since 2011, comprises three distances; 71 miles from Westminster Abbey, 32 miles from Great Missenden and 17 miles from Thame. This year 272 riders took part, including 37 under 16s, to raise £22,000.

Associate Vicar at Ray Valley Benefice comprising Islip, Noke and Woodeaton, the Revd Lucy Thirtle, said: “From our point of view, the event was a great success. For many this is judged as much by the community spirit and goodwill it engenders as by funds raised. 
“Unfortunately, for the first time in several events, we did have a couple of injured cyclists - more seriously one who came off at speed having hit a pot hole; he was quickly attended by paramedics and our first aider and had to be taken to hospital but is now at home recovering. The second was treated in A&E for a slight fracture. We send them both our best wishes for a speedy recovery.” 

Westminster Abbey is the starting point, owing to Islip’s long history with the historic monument by virtue of the fact that Edward the Confessor was born in the village. Riders assemble at Dean’s Yard before heading off from The Sanctuary in front of the Abbey.
Refreshment stations along the way offer riders flapcakes, bananas, Jelly Babies, hotdogs and teas and coffees to sustain them. Back at Islip there is a carnival atmosphere with a tykes and trikes event for youngsters completing one-mile laps around the village on their bicycles.

All riders served a hot meal (baked potato and chilli) at the end and receive a bike ride mug; younger ones get a water bottle.
Unfortunately, with legs perhaps still wobbly from his 100-foot abseil the week before, Bishop Gavin took a tumble just five miles from the finish line and wasn't quite able to complete the 70-mile course. 

Listen to his interview ahead of the challenge on our SoundCloud channel.

Page last updated: Thursday 16th May 2024 10:38 AM
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