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Pray and vote,' urges Bishop

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This is a text-only version of an article first published on Monday, 10 April 2017. Information shown on this page may no longer be current.

THE Acting Bishop of Oxford has urged Christians to vote in the forthcoming General Election and to pray for wisdom for political candidates.

From left: Dave Adams (Hustings Chair), Duncan Enright (Labour), Andy Graham (Liberal Democrat), Simon Strutt (UKIP), Stuart McDonald (Green), David Cameron (Conservative).

Photograph: Mark Hemsworth/Churches Together in Witney.

The Rt Revd Colin Fletcher's comments come as churches in Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire host hustings, giving people the opportunity to quiz candidates on the issues that matter to them. Bishop Colin said: "Life in our home in Yarnton is nothing if not interesting politically.

When we moved here in 2000 it would have required a major upset for a Conservative Candidate not to be returned as the MP, but a boundary alteration changed all that.

We became part of a marginal seat - and the amount of leaflets and letters flooding through our front door bears testimony to that.

What will happen on 7 May is still far from decided but it looks as if it will be a close-run thing. "But whether we live in a marginal constituency - or in a so-called safe seat, I hope that all of us will be exercising our democratic right to vote at this election.

Like me, you may have become a bit weary of all the promises, and counter-promises - the claims and the counter-claims - but whatever happens in a few days' time will be determined by us. "There are no simple answers in politics - and there is no simplistic Christian manifesto.

All of us have to make up our own minds.

All of us who have a vote and should use it.

And let us pray for all the candidates seeking to serve us whether as MPs or Councillors, that they will have the wisdom they need for the difficult decisions those elected will face. "His comments came just days after St Mary's, Witney, in Oxfordshire hosted the only hustings in the UK at which the Prime Minister, David Cameron, answered questions from the public.

The event was organised by Churches Together in Witney and chaired by Dave Adams, a Licensed Lay Minister. Dave said: "It's been a tradition in Witney that churches organise a hustings.

We are not trying to run democracy but making a contribution to it.

We had people of all ages and the youngest person who asked a question was 16.

She is a member of the congregation here.

People came along and asked about everything from congestion on the A40 and our local district plan through to issues with the NHS and the ring fencing of education funding. "Meanwhile in Milton Keynes the Bishop of Buckingham, the Rt Revd Alan Wilson, will be at the Citizens:mk Accountability Assembly.

Citizens:mk is an alliance of community groups acting together on issues of social justice.

The Assembly takes place just one week before the General Election and feature's the town's parliamentary candidates.

It will include music and dance and be Milton Keynes's biggest pre-election meeting.

It takes place on Thursday 30 April at Christ the Cornerstone Church, at 6. 15pm. More hustings:Sunday 26th April - Caversham Baptist Church hustings - 6. 30 for 7. 00pm.

Due to limitation of seats this event will be ticketed. Thursday 30 April - meeting for the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead at Holy Trinity, Sunningdale at 7. 30pm. Monday 27th April, Rose Street Methodist Church, Wokingham, 7. 30pm to 9. 30pm.


Page last updated: Monday 10th April 2017 12:00 AM
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