This is a text-only version of an article first published on Tuesday, 27 September 2016. Information shown on this page may no longer be current.
The children gathered in the Royal Round for the prayer space reflections.
CHILDREN reflected on the Queen's Christian faith during a special Faith Day at St Edburg's CE Primary School in Bicester. Pupils from Chesterton and Launton CE Schools were part of the day and the theme was taken from the Bible Society's The Servant Queen and the King She Serves. The children used extracts from the Queen's speeches to reflect and consider her faith and how she has fulfilled the promises made at her Coronation.
The children had time in the school's Prayer Space to think and pray about others who need our help, for world peace, and looking after our 'neighbours'.
They worked together to make a long string of bunting covered in flags of different nations which was used at the Churches Together Support for Refugees stall at Bicester's Big Lunch. The activity day, which included a special service led by Revd Verena Breed and a tea party, enabled the children to meet others ready for the transition into secondary school. Margaret Kunzer, head teacher at St Edburg's CE said, "The day was a great success because it gave the children an opportunity to be together for a spiritual experience.
Often in schools there are opportunities to do joint sports or music activities so it was good to take time to think about faith - especially as our children move on to secondary school. "