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Resourcing God's vision

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This is a text-only version of an article first published on Monday, 14 December 2015. Information shown on this page may no longer be current.

Six steps in Christian giving

Christians using the Six Steps first identify which step on the journey to faith relates to them personally and then reflect on how they might consider moving on to the next step in that journey:


Some of us give because we feel stro ngly about the need for our church to survive and maintain its place in society.

Yet the church is there for more than just emergencies: it is there to proclaim the 'good news to all' and to help people grasp it for themselves.


Can you invest in something that could be of a real and lasting value to many people? (Matthew 6: 1-4. )


Some support those church activities that mean the most to them.

Yet Jesus challenged his disciples to share what they had with others.


Can you help support a ministry where you receive nothing but others might receive a great deal? (John 15: 16. )


Some of us believe strongly in the need to support our church, including our work out in the community around us.

We believe that our church communities are important for so many people and that we can care for those who cannot care for themselves.


What can you do to grow your support both financially and practically to enable your church to do the things that help grow God's mission to the people of your parish and the wider world? (1 Chronicles 29:1-5. )


Many of us already recognise strongly the need to pay our share as members of our church and as partners in its vision of God's Kingdom.


Have you found out how much it costs for your church to carry out that mission? Have you thought and prayed about the amount you contribute to make it happen? (2 Corinthians 8: 1-12. )


"Do you submit to Christ" the priest or minister asks parents and godparents at a baptism.

"I submit to Christ" each replies.

Submission is about recognising there is a higher power and giving in to that power.


Does your response to Jesus dominate your life rather than your desires? Does your giving respond to God and his mission rather than just meeting the needs of the churches? (Genesis 32:24-32. )


We are each called to become Christ-like, and to give joyfully and sacrificially following Jesus Christ. Wherever you are on your Christian journey of generous giving:Lord Jesus,What I have belongs to you and I ask you to help me be a good steward of all that is yours and joyfully share what you ask me to share and give what you ask me to give.

In humble obedience and joyful praise.


Page last updated: Tuesday 8th February 2022 1:32 PM
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