This is a text-only version of an article first published on Tuesday, 8 September 2015. Information shown on this page may no longer be current.
The Acting Bishop of Oxford, Rt Revd Colin Fletcher STATEMENT BY THE ACTING BISHOP OF OXFORDThe Rt Revd Colin Fletcher, Bishop of Dorchester, said:"I have been greatly encouraged by the response of so many individuals, churches, and charities to the tragedy currently unfolding before our eyes in the Middle East."Churches have provided sanctuary for many thousands of people down the centuries and this country too has had a proud record of responding positively to those in greatest need."Over the coming days we shall be working with other organisations to provide some of the help that is so desperately needed.
Each of us may not be able to do that much by ourselves but, as we are seeing increasingly, by working together we can make a real difference."7 September 2015See also the Archbishop of Canterbury's statement on the refugee crisis.