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This is a text-only version of an article first published on Friday, 13 November 2015. Information shown on this page may no longer be current.
SINCE the Church of England's Children's Society first introduced the Christingle service, it has helped to raise millions of pounds to change the stories of children at risk or living in poverty.
One project it raises funds for is the Oxford Project, which provides a range of services for newly arrived refugee, asylum seeker and new migrant minors in Oxfordshire.
At the Christopher Rawlings CE School in Adderbury, the Christingle event is arranged along with the Adderbury Committee and the Children's Society.
The Christingle takes place at St Mary's Church on a Friday evening in December.
At an assembly a few weeks before hand, the meaning of Christingle is discussed with pupils.
Committee members source the materials and visit the school on the morning of the day of the service, where they run a Christingle Workshop with Year three pupils. Teacher, Ruth Peverill, said "The children thoroughly enjoy the opportunity to work alongside the adults to create the Christingles, and are empowered due to their full involvement in the project.
Working with the adults from The Children's Society helps them to deepen their understanding around the significance of each element of the Christingle and what it represents.
During the morning, the children also gain the opportunity to develop their hosting skills, preparing and serving refreshments to their visitors. "Having made the Christingles, the children are keen to attend the beautiful candlelit service in the early evening, along with other children from the school, their parents and siblings, and the wider community.
The children bring their collection box candles containing donations to the service at St Mary's and receive a Christingle as part of the service. Headteacher Phil Goldsworthy added "Our school values are Compassion, Peace and Service, and the workshop fits nicely with service, allowing the children to think about how their involvement with preparing the Christingles and hosting and working with our guests is making a difference. "The Children's Society website has more details of how you can get involved with Christingle, or you can call their Society Supporter Care team on 0300 3030 555. Rachel Brockie is the Regional Fundraising Manager for The Children's Society.
She is on: on Tel: 01367 241273 Email: rachel. brockie@childrenssociety. org. uk