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What's your longest journey?

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This is a text-only version of an article first published on Monday, 14 December 2015. Information shown on this page may no longer be current.

CHE Ramsden, Product development manager of the Children's Society spoke at Appleton's Christingle Service, asking 'What's the longest journey you've ever been on?' An Eritrean lad aged 10, whose brother died as a child soldier, fled to seek asylum in the UK arriving in Oxford two years later.

He had travelled 3,500 miles by foot, bus, train (underneath the bus/train - hiding, not in a carriage), by boat, in lorries - hiding, in scary, dark places.

Eventually he was tipped out of a lorry at the Oxford M40 Services.

He had been shot at in the Sahara, and seen people drown in the Mediterranean.

It costs £3,000 per annum for the Children's Society to give the therapeutic care he needs.

Christingle collections can be designated for this work.

The Christingle service in Appleton.

Page last updated: Monday 14th December 2015 12:00 AM
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