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When 'the world' came to Goring to mourn the death of George Michael

Archive content
This is a text-only version of an article first published on Friday, 24 May 2019. Information shown on this page may no longer be current.

Brenda Kerr Muir reflects on the responses to the death of George Michael who lived next door to St Thomas of Canterbury Church in Goring, where she is one of the Church Wardens.

Flowers left by mourners outside George Michael's home in Goring.

AS we closed the church on Christmas Day after the morning services of celebration, my fellow warden, David Beddall, and I had no idea of the sad event taking place next door in Mill Cottage.

George Michael had come to midnight mass on Christmas Eve on occasion in the past but we missed him this year.

As the news of his death broke the media scrum started with reporters and television crews on the ground and phone calls and emails to the church - and probably to many others.

And then they came - George's fans - from far and wide bringing flowers, candles and balloons standing in small groups and crowds silently mourning and paying their respects.

The lane to the church past Mill Cottage filled up with symbols of love and grief.

Many wandered on to the churchyard and into the church where they sat quietly and remembered.

A specially tailored prayer was provided: ;O God, who brought us to birth,And in whose arms we die,We give thanks for the life of George,And for the pleasure his music brought to so many. In our grief and shockContain and comfort us;Embrace us with your loveGive us hope in our confusionAnd grace to let go into a new life;Through Jesus Christ.

Amen. We felt it important to point people in their grief to the eternal God who loves us all so much and offers His hope for the future.

It was evidently appreciated as, by New Year's Day, over 1,000 copies had been taken by people visiting the church.

Some left messages of admiration, affection, respect and loss. George was a good neighbour to the church, though our dealings were usually with his staff concerning hedges, drains, access etc.

Those he employed were devoted to him and we have got along very well.

Page last updated: Friday 24th May 2019 12:00 AM
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