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Your chance to create an icon

Archive content
This is a text-only version of an article first published on Wednesday, 7 March 2018. Information shown on this page may no longer be current.

IN January 2017, the Cathedral Education Department held an event, dedicated to icons, for adults.

There were 32 people who thoroughly enjoyed meeting professional iconographer, Dr Irina Bradley, who presented a range of icons and iconography styles and traditions and explained the processes involved in 'writing' an icon.

She spoke about her own personal and spiritual journeys which resulted in the icon of St Frideswide, (pictured) which will be the main focus of Irina's next course in May.

The full day was so successful that the next course will last for a week. The cost will include all materials, including 24 carat gold leaf, and all tuition and refreshments.

For further information, please contact: Jackie Holderness, cathedral Education Officer (01865-286003) jacqueline. holderness@chch. ox. ac. uk ;

Page last updated: Wednesday 7th March 2018 12:00 AM
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